Caindos History

House Warnolf

  • Duke of Caindos, 825-Present, Cadet of House Hencaster
  • Rodney I 1192-present
  • Walther IV 1187-1192
  • Walther III 1164-1187
  • David II 1145-1164
  • James I 1132-1145
  • Gaurant II 1117-1132
  • Geoffrey I 1095-1117
  • Walther II 1080-1095
  • Norman I 1161-1180
  • Gaurant I 1139-1161
  • Michael I 1136-1139
  • Henry I 1113-1136
  • Walther I 981-1113
  • Gaurant II 971-981
  • Adam I 944-971
  • Gilbert I 942-944
  • Guy I 923-942
  • Gaurant I 901-923
  • Henry I 894-901
  • David I 865-894
  • William I 857-865
  • Warnulf I 825-857 m. Bridgit of House Foxworthy

    House Hencaster

  • Duke of Caindos, 702-825, Cadet of House Yorrel
  • 799-824 Esald of Dhurse
  • 788-799 Dosem
  • 782-788 Donlon
  • 766-782 Zarchary
  • 735-766 Edmer (brother of Rochampte)
  • 710-735 Fulcher
  • 702-710 Absolom m. Margaret of House Brynn
  • House Yorrel

  • Duke of Caindos, 500-702, Cadet of House Thurston
  • 681-702 Yorell V
  • 654-681 Chorwin II
  • 624-654 Yorelle IV
  • 610-624 Bremer I
  • 583-610 Yorrell II m. Bethlynne of House Brynn
  • 559-583 Yorrel II
  • 550-559 Chorwin I
  • 545-550 Yorrel I (brother to Walter I Thurston)

    House Thurston

  • High King of Arlium, 484-545, Son of Torenth
  • 542-545 Walter I (brother of Yorrel of Caindos)
  • 528-542 Henry I
  • 505-528 David I
  • 484-505 Thurston I (Son of Torenth)


  • Emperor of Aorlis, 440-484, Father of Wollyn, Tavhros, Thurston, and Pendarr)
  • Torenth 440-484

    House Brynn

  • King of North Aelrid
  • Brynn the Wolf Mythological


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