Caindos Places of Interest


In Oellstand, Caindos, this is a ruined Karmithian mortuary temple devoted to a dead general and his legion. Its specific location is forgotten, although it is remembered to be on the Sea of Silence’s shore. In more recent history, Creosis activated the dead army as revenant soldiers for his war, but their current whereabouts are a mystery.  

Sea of Silence

Mist that rolls in off the Sea of Silence is treacherous and people sometimes have disappeared in it, perhaps snatched into another realm or taken by murtras. Sailors who venture onto this sea alone and lose sight of land sometimes go missing, and never are seen again. Most sailors will avoid being on these waters at night. This mist and the area of danger is the Fernsae’s south-westernmost tip. This mist renders anyone who enters color blind for the duration of their exposure, and deadens all sound to within a 2’ radius of its source. This sea is reputedly the home of veritable armies of murtra.  

Thlos Lithrium

This is an ancient coastal hill fort in Gnilder, Caindos, overlooking the Sea of Silence. It is rumored to be haunted by green-haired hags and their packs of spectral hounds. This likely is myth, because locals pick berries here seasonally. Another popular tale is that the Thlos peoples were masters of highly potent astrological talismans, and that a library of these charged plates is buried in the hill.


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