
Water Town, the Retreat

Chaussane, sometime called Water Town, or the Retreat, has a population of 9,000. It was founded in 704, purchased its charter in 1064, and its crest features a simple field of ermine, vert and argent.   Politically, the Viscounty of Trimon is where Chaussane is located, which is part of the Kingdom of Gwyfned in the High Kingdom of Myddum. There it lies on the north shores of Koerr Taern, and at the base of the Aendril Mountain’s foothills. This town is perched along Old Street, which serves as a connection to Ymban and Ygarl to the south. Old Street also connects the town to Verdton Town in the northeast. Secondary roads and mountain passes connect it to Widden Town to the west, and Bellton Town to the northeast.   Chaussane is famed for its natural beauty, great fishing, pleasure boating and outstanding Autumnal color. This settlement is divided into two parts, with one part on land and the other part built on wood pilings over the lake. The landward side of town is walled and well defended, and its moat is fed from Koerr Taern. Castle Chaussane is fortified lightly, and it ceased being a defensive structure decades ago. Now it is used as a residence for the viscount, a convention center and an entertainment plaisance.   The east landward side of town is surrounded by profitable agricultural land, and the west landward area abuts low hills. The town centers on a market square that also may double for a race track, tournaments, and a weekly horse market. The castle, guildhall and the church all have frontage here. The town is cobbled throughout.
Grinsale the Humble is Chaussane’s patron saint, and St. Grinsale’s Cathedral is an old church, but it has been enlarged multiple times, and its latest iteration is in High Gothic style. There are a lot of smaller churches, satellite monasteries, friaries and shrines here, giving the city a spire a rich skyline. There are two beautiful Shirim shrines as well.   The people of Chaussane have a vibrant character, and they are devoted to mediation and service, and they have a tradition of treating visitors warmly. Many rich families keep private hunting lodges here. This town is the domain of cutlery makers and blade grinders. The sunlight is reputed to be very good here for realist painters, and there are several small but influential teaching artist studios. Indeed, Chaussane is recognized as an art style in its own right.   This town is included in the North Forest district, and under administration by Royal Forest Law. Chaussane is known for its magic. A precedential blessing has been placed over the town, and victims of curses will find that maleficent magic is in abeyance while they stay within its walls. This may stem from the well-known Sevenfold Gates of Ascendance Working that happened here, cast by Delphine Spangler and her magical alliance. Or, it could be associated with the Miracle of Multiplying Fish, as witnessed by Si. Margrite Nedler. This town is also remembered for the invention of the scientific method, created by in 1051 by an exiled friar named Fra. Wymond Turner.   On the literary front, Chaussane is remembered for The Dance Masters Guide to Steps Most Proper, penned by Johannes Lister in 1200. His dance studio, now run by his son Elton Lister, still takes students.


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