
The Old Lodge

Dargrange, which means Dar’s Farm, is sometimes called the Old Lodge. It began its current incarnation as a hunting lodge in 1199, and it rapidly expanded. It has a population of 11,000, got its charter in 1214, and its crest is vair azure on a field of argent. This settlement is a combination lake/river port, and it is found on the west bank of Durlin Lake, which also affords the town access to the Darr River and the Durlin/Toll Canal.

Dargrange is encompassed by forest on the landward side, making it an arboreal setting. On the political landscape, Dargrange is found in the Barony of Hambleton, the Duchy of Lyndross, the Kingdom of Noelred, in the High Kingdom of Ayrlium.

The onetime hunting lodge now is a fortified hall and the center of attention in town. The town extends from the lodge in both directions along the lakeshore, and the street layout corresponds. Modern stone walls with towers and a gatehouse have replaced the town’s old lime-washed timber walls. They have paved the streets surrounding the lodge with cobblestones, but the other streets are unimproved.

The town’s main church is attached to the lodge, dedicated to Melisandra of the Burning Words, Dargrange’s patron saint.
Dargrange is connected to Moranwynn City to the west-by-northwest, and to Lindomme Town to the southeast, both by secondary roads. It is tied to Tolwycc Town to the southeast by the Durlin/Toll Canal and the Toll River.

People here are adventure loving, humorous, and youthful. They always are up for vigorous dancing, especially on religious holidays. The citizens savor roast beruk, although most outsiders consider this distasteful, as the beruk are sentient and may talk. The people of Dargrange do not share this attitude, and they additionally love Beruk bacon.

Local industry revolves around mining for tin and silver.

Durlin Lake is also home to Aubrette, Lady of the Lake and the Spring Court Maiden of Planting and Rebirth. It was also home to Dreadwing, the Dragon Sorcerer, a wyrm and a wizard who dominated the North for a hundred years. Because of Dreadwing’s many magical workings, dust and grime here will often resolve into occult diagrams.

This town’s most prestigious living resident is Alisdair deDevin, the beloved genius playwright and writer of sonnets, and locals are quite protective of him.


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