
Black Caps Town

Dhasmyr and the Black Caps have become somewhat synonymous, and it has been called Black Cap Town for a while now. It has 8,000 full-time residents, was founded in 1100, and got its charter in 1177. Its crest is an onocentaur with an ax on a field of paley-bendy vert and argent.

In the political sphere, Dhasmyr Town is in the Barony of Faswell, the County of Nebton, the Palatine Duchy of Hexton, in the High Kingdom of Rhonce.

This is a land-bound, lowland settlement flanked by the Ebnor Forest to the west, and agricultural land to its east. This is a purpose-built town, and there is still much common area (the Town Green) remaining inside its walls. The town’s walls and towers are whitewashed timber, and this settlement was built around a wide central square, its market, and its church, devoted to Dhasmyr’s patron saint, Miranda of Long Endurance.
Dhasmyr is tied to Bromsfeld Town in a northerly direction by a secondary road; to Arlton Town to the southeast by a secondary road; and to distant Aldford Town to the west-by-southwest by secondary roads and a river ford.

The citizens are quiet and close-mouthed, although they do have a passion for cock baiting and cock fighting. Hextonian Black Caps come here to train, so the fighters are a common fixture throughout the town. There is also a strong representation of chirurgeons who come here to learn their craft by patching up injured Black Caps.

This site is infamous for the failed Eclipse Working in 1219, led by Mandourix the Sanguine Sorceress, that broke open the sky and resulted in sky-quakes and Aarth-hum. More than 60 mages died in the aftermath, but details are very sketchy. Mysterious footprints still turn up around town, and local lore claims that these are the doomed mages’ ghosts. Since the Working, Dhasmyr streets have been known to rearrange themselves, presenting impossible connections and befuddling visitors.


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