
West Bend

This river port on the Dhal River is important because its the home port of half Hempton’s standing navy, but it’s known for its dragon-themed festivals. Bloodwrath, the Bane of Hempton, was killed here in the tenth century, and the natives celebrate this event with commemorative statuary, painted banners, stamped badges, and toy wooden dragons. Djailford, sometimes referred to as West Bend, lies in the Palatine Duchy of Hempton, in the County of Hempton, on the plain and girdled by rich agricultural land. .
It is a typical walled market town in configuration. It is tied by both a secondary road and a purpose-built canal to Lynburr to the west, and by the Dhal River to Aldford to the north and Idorn City to the south. The town crest is a heneage knot, or, on an azure field, bordured checky. There is a rich tradition of elaborate puppet shows here, many of which now feature fighting puppet dragons.


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