Hempton's Worldview

  • Life was better in the old days, but things still are good in the quaint, bucolic land of Hempton. Seasons come and go, but in our hearts we know the right of it.
  • Hempton is the breadbasket of the Aorlis, and our agricultural produce sustains the empire at large. Aorlis depends on us, and our fellow countries would do well to remember this.
  • Hempton’s culture is based on our traditions of old, a respect for law and order, and every citizen knowing his rightful place in the social order. The nobles rule, the priests pray, and the peasants labor. Let there be no question about the natural order of things.
  • Faith is our strength. It was we who granted Kaidlorr to the Universal Church to establish a heavenly city on Aarthus. Our devotion is our central pillar. We devote more of our children to the Church than any other country.
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