
the Deathless

Lord Dust the Deathless, the leader of Gwyfned’s vampire community, is perhaps unique, for he is not a born vampire, but created one, perhaps originally intended to be some type of golem and vampire mannikin hybrid. As such, Dust claims never to have been mortal, but composed by lost vampire necromancy and conjured from grave dust. He was created in 680, and he is now 555 years old.    As the Vampire Coven Master of Gwyfned, he rules over the vampires with an iron hand, and he is feared by his own brood. As with many self-obsessed immortals, there is a dissipated air of sad, doomed elegance about Dust. He moves and speaks with a sense of melodrama, quotes high poetry often, and regards himself as a tragic hero. He has assumed many names over the centuries, and he maintains a high social profile in the Gwyfned city council. He has made Mayor Thomas the Bald of Gwyfned into one of his familiars, and through him the vampire keeps a close hold on the capital city.   
Lord Dust has an air of pouting effeminacy, often wears makeup such as lip coloring, rouge and kohl around eyes. He has an inverted triangle-shaped head; oversized mouth and lips; pale skin; sad, brown eyes; and long, flowing blonde hair. He is 5’10” tall and quite lean.    He has three forms: a convincing human; a semi-corporal dust version of himself; and an animated cloud of dust. When he turns to dust, he appears to blow away like a sandcastle in the wind. If you damage him, he bursts into dust particles, then reforms almost instantly. Weapons pass through his dusty form without harm, but he is susceptible to combustion in his dust forms.


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