
Eldris' Worldview

  • We Eldrisians are the most sophisticated people in the Realms. We adorn ourselves with the finest perfumes, cosmetics, lace, and silk as we savor the finest of wines. Eldris exemplifies culture and elegance.
  • Greater Aorlis claims Eldrisians are decadent, wicked, and foppish. Others simply are jealous. In Eldris, we understand aesthetics, pleasure, and enjoying the finer things in life.
  • The University of Ignarth is unparalleled among the institutions of higher learning. Our schools produce brilliant legal minds and sublime doctors of literature.
  • There are two sides to Eldris. One side is a land of pleasant weather, sunshine, rich farmland, and grapes arbors. The other side hosts necromancers, shadows that walk, and vampires. This division does not bother we Eldrisians, because we are sophisticated.
    Eldris is the largest, wealthiest, southernmost state in the Marcelle. It is well known for producing regional wines, cosmetics, lace, perfume, silk, and linen. They train specialty thieves in Ignarth at the Academy of the Arts Sinister, and the University of Ignarth specializes in law and literature.
    Eldic people often seem foppish and affected, and both genders employ cosmetics and perfumes. These folk are worldly, sophisticated, sensuous, and clever, and skilled at etiquette and intrigue. Eldris' patron saints are Obrun the Grim and Taric the Just.
    Eldris Noble.png
    Eldris Noblewoman.png
    Eldris Knight.png
    by Scott A. Story

    Natural Resources

  • Hashish
  • Hemp
  • Poppies
  • Roses Lavender & Plants For Perfume
  • Smokeweed
  • Woad
  • Specialists Goods

  • Black Eldric Wine (Ignarth)
  • Black Powder
  • Dyed Silk
  • Eldric White Wine
  • Eldrisian Cosmetics (Ignarth)
  • Eldrisian Courser
  • Eldrisian Perfume/Cologne (Ignarth)
  • Eldrisian Plate Armor (Gothic Fluted)
  • Eldrisian Silk
  • Eldrisian Tobacum
  • Fine Linen
  • Kui-kor Stones (Gantonne)
  • Lace
  • Luxury Glassware
  • Perfume
  • Scented Soap
  • Silk
  • Wine—White (By County)
  • Specialists

  • Eldrisian Ghost Mask
  • Eldrisian Sciomancer
  • Eldrisian Thief
  • Bestiary

  • Alpha Werewolf
  • Dhampyre
  • Elder Vampire
  • Ghost
  • Hags
  • Imps
  • Mannequin
  • Shadow People
  • Skin-changers (werewolves) 
  • Vampire Familiar
  • Witches
  • Wulvers


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