Eldris Dynasty Grayton

Lady of the South

The Graytons are unique among Aorlisian dynasties because their lands, Eldton, aka East and West Eldton, exist across national borders. West Eldton lies in southern Eldris, and East Eldton is in southern Gwyfned. That makes Countess Madeline Grayton a high level peer in both countries. So far she had threaded political needle well with both overlords, but make no mistake—she is quietly ambitious for a unified Eldton as a palatine principality in its own right.   Grayton etymologically descends from Grey Town. She is the countess of Elton and baroness of Eldton in Eldris, and she is the countess of East Eldton and baroness of Horngate in Gwyfned. For offices, she is the Lord Chief Keeper of the Gwyfned Forests, and the Marshall of Eldris and Warden of the Nremurt Silva Forest. Her unofficial title is Lady of the South, and she keeps her capital in Eldton City in West Eldton, Eldris. She keeps townhouses in Ignarth City, Gwyfned City, Fenwidden City, and a hunting lodge in Eofwin.
The Grayton motto is “Strongest when United,” their color is turquoise, and their badge is two axes above an uprooted tree. The Grayton family in Eldris was preceded by the Golfoy dynasty, and they acquired their Gwyfnedi holding by marrying into the house of Mantz. One of their mythic progenitors through the Golfoy's is Ebenezer the Wolf-Mage, who himself is a descended from Father Wolf. The Grayton's landed cadet families in Gwyfned are Huddle (Eddleton) Strathorne (Ceredth) Bernetz (Eddleton), in Eldris they are Slaytor (Aldwin), Agist (Laicy), Kempth (Obrigon), and Boldt (Vgarl), and their combine unlanded cadet lines are Golfe, Wimble, and Seaton. As mentioned, the Graytons tend to be ambitious, independent, and masters of statecraft. They are enthusiastic supporters of poets, painters, sculptors, and writers.


  • Authority Figure
  • Cunning
  • Discriminating Listener
  • Heroic Ancestor—Ebenezer the Wolf-Mage
  • Heroic Ancestor—Father Wolf
  • Locate Lost Objects
  • Opportunist
  • Patronage—The Arts
  • Social Privilege
  • Out-of-the-Box Thinking


  • Dangerous Associates—Vyrek, Witches Coven, Father Wolf
  • Impatient
  • Overt Sex Drive
  • Secretive
  • Very Ambitious

    Skill Pool

  • Diplomacy
  • Rhetoric
  • Statecraf


    • No healing powers, but they know family charms for finding lost things, winning in court, and compelling thieves to return stolen property.    


  • Combined crowns of Eldton
  • Sword of Justice (was Grayton's sword)
  • Star of the Sagitarry


  • Grayton 1024-1055 (East Eldton)
  • Philipe 1055-1071 m. Genevieve
  • Henri I 1071-1110
  • Philipe I 1110-1152 m. Madeline Mantz of East Eldton 1111
  • Henri II 1152-1152
  • Odwin I 1152-1160
  • Odwin II 1160-1173
  • Odwin III 1173-1181
  • Kalvin 181-1197
  • Madeline 1197-Present

    Immediate Family

  • Madeline Grayton—b. 1187, r. 1197, m. (1) 1218, m. (2) 1232
  • Brother—Kalvin the Younger b. 1199, d. 1224
  • Brother—Emory b. 1201, d. 1211
  • Dowager Mother—Madelyne Pentossa Grayton b. 1169-present
  • Consort (1)—Damiann Wortcunning m. 1218, d. 1232
  • Daughter—Maegin b. 1219 (intended heir i.h.o.r.)
  • Daughter—Stephanie (Edgart's twin) b. 1221
  • Son—Edgart (Stephanie's twin) b. 1221
  • Consort (2)—Sir Geaffrey Huddle of Collinswort m 1232-present
  • Son—Dalton b. 1232
  • Son—Herold b. 1234
  • Eldris.png
    by Scott A. Story


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