Eldris Dynasty Walthers

The Lords of Grey

The Walthers are called the Lords in Gray, and the head of the household inherits the appellation of the Cowled Prince and the Serpent Prince of Eldris. The head Walther is the sovereign prince of Eldris, the earl of Beldath, and the baron of Beldath, Bornuth, and Stormby. He also holds the title Constable of Eldris and the Constable of Lufeld Castle (both of which he farms out as desired), but he keeps his capital in Ignarth. He also owns multiple estates, as well as townhouses in Gwyfned City, Eldton City, Fenwidden City, Starshaven City, and, of course, his palace in Ignarth City.   If the Walthers wish to resort to their morganatic or civilian surnames, they use Stormby. The Walthers are the patrons of the Order of the Sparrow, the family motto is “By Skill, Not Force,” and their colors are green with orange trim. Their lineage is so ancient that is passes from history into mythology, and they count Beylor Long-Spear, the sea-serpent queen Alg, and Vyrek the Vile among their reputed ancestors. Indeed, the Walthers are also known to have Dhampyre and Cambion ancestry in more recent times.
Among their many allies, the Walthers count the aforementioned Vyrek, the Academy of the Arts Sinister and its thieves, the vampire nation that lives among the cities of Eldris, and the Free Reavers who keep an unspoken stronghold in Westspurr. As dynamic as Eldris is, the Walthers have a reputation for being humorless, distant, and elitist. They are known for their natural longevity, and the gray pallor that most of them develop as the grow older. One persistent rumor about them is that they keep a secret, locked crypt of restlessly sleeping undead ancestors. The Walther's landed cadet houses include Calles of Binforth, Ember of Olleroth, Uriens of Nindrum, and Rufus of Ryonce. Their unlanded cadet families comprise Solomona, Hadburg, Dunwine, and Ebrulf.


  • No healing Magik. Reputed to be secret sciomancers and necromancer with family spells of longevity.


  • Beylor's Spear
  • Stone of Veracity
  • Circlet of Veronique
  • Nekron's Obsidian Mirror


  • Alliance—Free Reavers
  • Alliance—Vampires
  • Alliance—Vyrek the Vile
  • Bond—Shadows
  • Dark Sight
  • Extended Vitality
  • Guarded Mind
  • Heroic Ancestor—Alg
  • Heroic Ancestor—Beylor
  • Heroic Ancestor—Vyrek the Vile
  • Longevity
  • Mastermind
  • Outlandish Wealth
  • Patronage—Academy of the Arts Sinistre
  • Patronage—Order of the Sparrow
  • Roots—Demon
  • Roots—Vampire
  • Roots—Siren
  • Social Privilege
  • Old Soul


  • Arrogant
  • Curse—Undeath
  • Dangerous Associates—Free Reavers, Storm King
  • Dangerous Associates—Vampire Covens, King of Vampires
  • Dangerous Associates—Vyrek, Witches, Father Wolf
  • Emotionally Distant
  • Family Affectation—Gray Clothes
  • Humorless
  • Judgmental
  • Unusual Pallor—Gray

    Skill Pool

  • Literacy
  • Literature
  • Statecraft


  • Prehistory beginning with Walther
  • Beylor I 555-583
  • Vendarin I 584-617
  • Stephen 617-686
  • Beylor I 686-733 m. Veracity (Dhampyre)
  • Ian I 733-775
  • Ian II 775-814
  • Vendarin II 814-869
  • Ian III 869-941 m. Veronique (Cambion)
  • Ian IV 941-973
  • Steven II 973-1021
  • Steven III 1021-1081
  • Beylor III 1081-1126
  • Ian V 1126-1182
  • Ian VI 1182-present

    Immediate Family

  • Ian VI b. 1160-present, r. 1182 to present
  • Wife (1)—
  • Heir—Ian the Younger (courtesy titles = crown prince, constable of Eldris, and earl of Beldath)
  • Eldest Grandson—Ian the Even Younger (courtesy titles = baron of Bornuth)
  • Younger Son—Evenstan (courtesy titles = earl of Ignor, constable Lufeld Castle)
  • Grandson—George (courtesy titles = baron of Beldath)
  • Grandson—Endulph (courtesy titles = baron of Stormby)
  • Morganatic Wife (2)—Margery
  • Son—Anthony Stormby
  • Daughter—Marise Stormby
  • Daughter—Marina Stormby
  • Official Mistress—Clarinda
  • Illegitimate Son—Brison FitzWalther
  • Illegitimate Son—Carson FitzWalther
  • Illegitimate Daughter—Clarinda FitzWalther
  • Eldris.png
    by Scott A. Story


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