Eldris Fables & Folklore

Recurring Theme, Lore, and Symbolism

  • The Cult of Allud has infiltrated Ignarth. These cultists worship the chthonic Old Ones, and their presence is very worrying. They have kept a low profile so far.

    Local Creatures

  • Eldris' cities have their vampires, the forested regions shelter werewolves, and nefarious
  • Shadow people skulk around the county's fringes and liminal areas, especially in the town of Brichtnod.    

    Historical Figures

  • One of Eldris' less well known historical figures is Lorg the Shadow Mage, a 10th century wizard who codified sciomancy (shadow magic), and established the Valley of Eternal Midnight for himself and his studies.

    Heroes & Monsters of Myth and Folklore

  • Eldris, especially Ignarth, is known for the Walker in Shadows, a semi-mythological character made real who is reputed to be the greatest and most feared thief in world.
  • Folklore holds that Vyrek the Vile, Adramschaar's first wife, and Mother of Monsters, haunts the forests of southern Eldris.
  • Father Wolf, a sort of wolf-man proto-god from deep antiquity, is also said to wander the old-growth forests there.
  • King Beylor Long-Spear is a mythological king of Waelridii who fell in love with Alg, the Queen of the Sea, and died trying to unite land and sea into a single realm. He is remembered at Alg's Landing and Beylor's Dyke.

    Historical Sites

  • There are many historical sites of interest in Eldris, such as the aforementioned
  • Valley of Eternal Midnight reported to be on the border of Ryonce and Cloudbridge.
  • Nimath Island is an ancient pagan holy site found in Beldath amid the Fithfath River.
  • Folklore asserts that the Garth of the Forgotten One, a stone garden built by the ghost of a dead future, exists or existed somewhere in Ryonce.
  • Down where West Eldton backs up onto Beck, there standes an impressive defensive earthen structure called Beylar's Dyke, although forests have grown over it and all but hidden it.

    Magic on the Landscape

  • Word has it that there are still several mysterious, prehistoric earthen mound mazes in Eldris, and a few of them are still sufficiently intact for mages to whistle up the old magic and conjure themselves maze-to-maze.

    Material History

  • Eldris' coastlands possess a surfeit of prehistoric Kui-kor artifacts. Locals often work them into stone walls, or use them as door stops, or as needed. For more about these quirky stone tools, see the appropriate listing.

    Odd Competitions or Traditions

  • Eldris' native are a competitive lot, but their games are as unusual as everything else here. They are passionate for shin-kicking competitions, foot wrestling, and gurning (making ugly faces) contests.
  • Eldris.png
    by Scott A. Story


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