Eldris Flashpoints

  • Eldton Ambitions—Edton exists in both Eldris, Marcelle, and East Eldton in Gwyfned, Myddum. Despite current realities, it sees itself as an independent region, not part of Eldris and Gwyfned.
  • The Urlam Forest in West Eldton, Eldris, and the Silvaros Forest in Corthness, Eldris, are known hotbeds of organized witch covens and frequent werewolf attacks.
  • The Free Reavers, and their Storm King, are the pirate power on Corlyn Ocean. Piracy has skyrocketed up and down the Marcelle. The Free Reavers plan to conquer West Spur and Binforth in Eldris, expanding on their hold on Reaver's Cove, and carve out their own country. Once this would have been ludicrous, but the Storm King is cunning and greedy, and his hold over Aorlis maritime commerce is fierce.
  • Myrlan Conflict—See Kaldur.
  • Eldris.png
    by Scott A. Story


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