Eugeneous Falk

Eugeneous Falk—Born in 1163, he’s now 73. He is the Cardinal Metropolitan Primate of Gwyfned (County and City), and a Lord Ordainer, making him one of the top clerics in Aorlis, and top overall in Gwyfned. His political power now extends into the secular as well as the ecclesiastical world.   When he was young, Eugeneous had a deep, abiding faith; now, he is an atheist who performs his religious duties perfunctorily. In private, he sneers at any priests who still believe. No one knows what event transformed him, but Eugeneous has become grasping and devious. He secretly practices necromancy, and he has several demon advisors attached to him through his amethyst ring. He may speak with as needed, and their names are Astrielle and Billnessus (see Religion for descriptions).  
Eugeneous’ loyalties are not to Gwyfned, but making himself the future Patriarch of the Church in Kaidlorr. He controls the Gwyfnedi Church’s prodigious wealth, and as a Lord Ordainer he now has access to all of Aorlis’ wealth too. The cardinal is elderly, but far from helpless.   He is rail thin, being 5’7” and 142 lbs., and he wears the deep red vestments of a cardinal, as well as those of an archbishop. He has a hawk-like face with a beak of a nose, clean-shaven, with thin skin and lips, and gray eyes. His Lords Ordainers comrades are Quincy Everarde and Madeline Grayton; they are a mere convenience to Eugeneous, and he cares nothing for them. He has no friends or people he loves, except maybe his demons.


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