Farer's Point

The Point

Farer’s Point, or the Point as it’s often called, is a new town and not well established yet. It began as a trading post and remained so until the ruins of Civis Noir were discovered close by around 1230, and then in that time it has grown to about 3,000 people. (Civis Noir is the ruined capital of the extinct Noirites, and source-point for vampires). This town has not yet purchased a charter, and is finding its way organically. Its crest is a gate with open doors and raised portcullis on a field of bars per barry two, argent and azure.   This is a landlocked mountain town in the Royal Duchy of Urgholt, the Kingdom of Gwyfned, in the High Kingdom of Myddum. It is nestled in the Lower Aendril Mountains, and it lies along the secondary road called Farer’s Trace that connects with Gwyfned City to the north-by-northwest and with Cynulf Town in a southerly direction.   The surrounding mountains are majestic, but the valley below has a dark, oppressive air that many feel makes it hard to breathe or breathe.   The town is developing on a grade both above and below Farer’s Trace. Farer’s Point is not walled, nor does it need to be. The locals have built towers at each end of the town to command the road in and out and collect tolls. Farer’s Trace becomes High Street where it passes through town, and it is an open air market most days of the week. It is unpaved and needs none because its streets cross bare rock.  
St. Rurik’s is the town’s primary church, and it is modest in both size and grandeur. Construction proceeds on the church, and eventually it may become much larger, but local leaders have been slow to fund it. There are a few small friaries here, a stone barn converted into a hospital, and smaller convenience churches to meet the locals spiritual needs. The aforementioned Rurik Black Key is the Point’s patron saint.   The Point’s people are rough, lawless and opportunistic, because this settlement was founded by adventurers, prospectors and outcasts. The rule of law here bears little respect, and people are expected to bring their own justice with them. The town has benefitted because of its position between Gwyfned and Cynulf, and while the craft guilds have all established footholds here, no particular goods have developed to the point of becoming exports.   The Sanguinary Noir Working by Bartholomew Neder of the Ashen Twilight kicked off this town’s official origin in 1230. It awoke the sleeping menace of Ghol, the first vampire, whom is now elevated to the god of the vampires, and he is often accompanied by his second, Talespinner. There is a small settlement of peaceful, civilized cynocephalus here.
Farer's Point


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