Galen Norald

Trueheart, the Clever, the Prince of Hearts

by Scott A. Story
This complex troubadour is probably the greatest songwriter and performer of his age, and biographers claim that his voice is so lovely that the wind will pause and leaves will not rustle to better appreciate his voice. Galen was born in 1199, and he is currently 36 years-of-age.   He has had many nicknames, but the most popular include Trueheart, the Clever, and the Prince of Hearts. Besides his role as a troubadour, he is the Baron of Hartscourt, the Gwyfned poet laureate, and the Royal Court Troubadour of Gwyfned.   Most known for being in Prince Dathan’s service, and performing for the court, Galen’s time away from Aorlis, living in Thendaros, made him incalculably wealthy. He has a genius for finance, and he parlayed that money into super wealth. He owns a fleet of ships that services the Thendaros/Alusia trade corridor.   Galen presents a facade of rampant bon vivant with a buoyant optimism and endless elan. Behind this mask, he nurses a wounded, guilt-ridden heart, and well-hidden but chronic malaise. While he has tried to mollify his faults, he is legendary for his self-destructive drinking, drug use and exploration into mind-altering substances. He fled Aorlis because of a terrible murder he committed when he was poisoned, but eventually he returned to his homeland to reclaim his property and answer for his crimes.
In addition to his role as a world-class singer/songwriter, Galen is also a self-taught magician of great potential, and his skill and power have flowered in recent years. One of his former mentors is Andreinokos Valentiniak, and later on Melena Kamith began to coach him. Galen is also a competent longswordsman and horseman.   Among the many songs this troubadour has written, some have become massively popular in their own time, and will be sung down through history. Such is the pointed lampoon “Philipe of Dalryme the Goat Knight” a tavern song he penned in 1230.   Before he was rich and famous, Galen’s first great mentor was Prince Oliver Osrick, his liege, and Galen served as a squire for him. Now he serves Prince Dathan Osrick. Galen’s best friend is Sir Bhradrix FitzOliver, and he also greatly esteems his fellow members from the Conquering Quintet, Gunfrith the Ax, Melena Kamith, and Theobald Allbaugh.   Galen is 5’10” tall, around 150 lbs., with a lean frame. His face is already well lined with smile wrinkles, and his eyes are bright green. He has long, curly red-auburn hair, and he wears a stylish mustache and handlebar goatee.   He is noted for his custom spell Galen’ Windborne Whisper that allows him to whisper to anyone within eyeshot, even over a battle. He favors the lampoone spell as well.
Year Age Events
1199 0 Galen Norald is born to the baron and baroness of Norald.
1213 14 Galen become Oliver’s squire and minstrel.
1219 20 Galen meets his future associate Bhradrix (age 10) in Edby
1222 23 Galen’s father passes away, and the young troubadour becomes the next Baron of Norald. He leaves Oliver Osrick’s service.
1225 26 Prince Oliver Osrick dies.
1227 28 Troubadour career spirals, and it ends with a grisly double murder. Galen’s lovers Jacob and Elaine poison him, but he survives and murders them both. Galen flees Aorlis.
1229 30 Now wandering Old Karmithia, Galen nearly is killed by Kirth, then he is rescued by Bhradrix and healed by Princess Theadosiana.
1129 30 Galen becomes Androneikos’ unofficial acolyte and refines his magic.
1129 30 Now in Thendaros, Galen befriends Gunfrith the Ax. He also becomes wealthy, and he invests heavily and buys a shipping fleet.
1230 31 Now fabulously wealthy, Galen returns to Aorlis and reclaims his titles and properties.
1230 31 He enters the service of Prince Dathan Osrick as his troubadour.
1230 31 Gunfrith serves as Galen’s champion when he faces up for his double murder. He was accused of his crime by Sir Tankred, Elaine’s father.
1230 31 Galen becomes Melena Kamith’s unofficial magical acolyte. He also becomes part of Prince Dathan Osrick’s small council, aka the Conquering Quintet.
by Scott A. Story


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