
the Alpha Black, the Primotaur (of Darkness), The Eldest, the First

The first vampire, Ghol, is now the god of vampires, and called the Alpha Black, the Primotaur (of Darkness), The Eldest, the First. Six thousand years ago, Ghol was a Noirite, a race that mixed Prateans and demons, and he was the Sovereign Prince of Civis Noir.   He was an accomplished scholar, shtrigamancer, and he loved his sister Evaine, but he fell prey to political machinations that forced him to put her to death.   In his despair, he entered the Heart of the Night, and pledged himself to the archdemon Gorsk and was reborn as the first vampire. Later, when Ghol and Gorsk disagreed, Ghol consumed the demon whole, and subsumed his hellish powers, adding them to the Ghol’s own.
Although a tragic figure, Ghol is also evil and sociopathic to the core, caring only for himself and his lost Evaine. Besides his maxed-out vampire and demon powers, he is a brilliant fighter, a world-class necromancer, and possessed of a singular will to overcome and dominate.   As the God of Vampires, Ghol pays no attention to his adherent’s prayers because he cares nothing for them. He is 6’2", has long bone-white hair, hellfire red eyes, bone white skin, and he is classically beautiful, like a statue come to life.   Ghol can grow bat wings and fly as needed; can project five micro-dimensional force claws from each hand for battle; or he can transform into a collective swarm of bats (watching said swarm collect into vampire form is like watching a puzzle fall together).


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