Gwyfned Government

Powers and Principalities

Parts of Gwyfned’s government are for the Kingdom of Gwyfned, and part is for the Empire of Aorlis. These royal offices are not doubled or mirrored at the imperial level, and the two levels of government are part of the same overall structure.   A numeral before an office indicates its overall power and precedence in the governmental structure.
These are only the top level positions, and long lists of subbordinate officals are not listed.   Those people listed below without title typically are wealthy knights or barons, prominent attorneys, or wealthy clerics (minor orders, priests, or bishops)   This particular layout is circa 1230, not 1245.

Royal Family

  • King Emperor—Bingum Osrick II the Lucky
  • Queen—Angoulene Mathurne (2nd Wife)
  • Heir—Dathan Osrick (older brothers Victor and Brand predeceased him, both without issue)
  • High King of Rhonce
  • 2nd Prince—None (Currently in Abeyance)
  • King’s Eldest Brother—Decd., Lifetime Count of Khellidor, in Abeyance
  • King’s 2nd Brother—Decd., Lifetime Duke of UrGholt, In Abeyance

    Lords Ordainers

  • Eugenius Falk—Cardinal Metropolitan Primate of Gwyfned (County and City)
  • Quincy Evererade—Count of Eldruth
  • Madeline Grayton—Countess of East Eldton

    Great Officers of State

  • (1) Lord High Steward—Bohemond FitzOliver
  • Chief Justicier of the King’s Bench--Derrick Norbert Count of Mortfield
  • Justiciers in Eyre
  • Gwyfned
  • Sheriff of Cloudbridge—Brand Moody
  • Sheriff of Dolek—Tyrell Nash
  • Sheriff of East Eldton—Chester Brookman
  • Sheriff of Eldruth—Raymond Baddon
  • Sheriff of Gwyfned—Nathaniel Moody
  • Sheriff of Khellidor—Lysander Bridgman
  • Sheriff of Mortfell—Derrick Dempster
  • Sheriff of Trimon—Laurance Beckett
  • Sheriff of Urgholt—Deverall Burchard
  • Empire as a Whole
  • Chief Imperial Coroner—Nils Matherly
  • Coroners—Two per county in all Aorlisian countries
  • Master of Ceremonies—Hugh Routhby
  • Lord Chief Butler–Fulk Imbert III Viscount of Trimon
  • Lord Chief Pantler–Chester I Rufus Viscounty of Cloudbridge
  • Chief Cook—Fergus Hurst
  • (2) Lord High Chancellor–Theobald Allbaugh Viscount of Dolek
  • King's Confessor—Adelburt Penhurd
  • Keeper of the Rolls—Leopold Hille
  • Royal Peculiars
  • Defender of the Realms Peculiar—Wilburt Townsend
  • Lay Abbot of Saint Blailock's–Bingum II Osrick Count of Gwyfned
  • St. Blailock of Hollywell Peculiar—Ian Shaw
  • St. Wollyn’s of Hollywell Peculiar—Aldous Carey
  • (3)Lord High Treasurer—Ilbert Dale
  • Cofferer—Keryl Mannering
  • Chief Justicier of the Court of the Exchequer—Ralph Eads
  • Chief Keeper of the Royal Mint—Henry Bigge
  • (4) President of the Privy Council–King’s 2nd Son, in Abeyance
  • Small Councilors—In Abeyance after 1222
  • Commisioners
  • Commissioner of the Peace—Nigel Barth
  • Commissioner of the Sewers—Royce Swift
  • Commissioner of the Streets and Passes—Anselm Sallow
  • Captaincies
  • Bell Castle–Derrick Norbert IV Count of Mortfell
  • Ellence Castle–Fulk Imbert III Viscount of Trimon
  • Herlack Castle–Quincy Everarde Count of Eldruth
  • Hollywell House—Robin Terrowin
  • Keeper of the Royal Menagerie—Chester Clarke
  • Hornwick Castle–Royal Duke of Urgholt (In Abeyance)
  • Whitefeather Castle—Dreward Portly
  • King's Champion—Count of Khellidor (In Abeyance)
  • (5) Lord High Keeper of the Privy Seal—Monte Pernelle
  • (Note, this is often held by the Chancellor, but not always)
  • (6) Lord High Chamberlain—Archibald Ward
  • Keeper of the Wardrobe—Godfrey Wiggens the Scribe
  • Court Astrologer—Melena Kamith
  • Court Alchemist—Oswald LeDurne the Addled
  • Poet Laureate–Galen Norald Baron of Hartcourt
  • Court Jester—Peter Betterwald
  • Master of Squires—Frasir Weallan
  • (7) Earl Marshall—Gaston FitzOliver
  • Field Marshall, Marshalls, Captains, Lieutenants
  • Lord Grand Admiral of the Coast–Rengarth Martin the Younger Count of Hempton
  • Lord Chief Huntsman–Quincy Everarde Count of Eldruth
  • Court Falconer—Ralph Palmer Baron of Belltide
  • Captain of Yeomen of the Gaurd—Gunfrith the Ax
  • Master of the Horse—Eustace Red
  • Keeper of the Royal Kennils—Adam Haynes
  • Court Armorer—Andre Forstner

    Other Offices

  • Wardenships (Frontiers)
  • Lord Warden of the East—Quincy Everarde Count of Eldruth
  • Lord Warden of the North–Bhradrix FitzOliver Count of Khellidor
  • Lord Warden of the South—Madeline Grayton Countess of East Eldton
  • Lord Warden of the West–Theobald Allbaugh Viscount of Dolek
  • Royal Forests
  • Chief Keeper of the Forests of Aorlis—Alexis Ashdown Green Gauntlet
  • Blackvale District Forest Warden—Lawrence Odart
  • Cithcaeron District Forest Warden—Mariott Fulcher
  • Eofwin District Forest Warden—Elyot Poltonne
  • Kingswood District Forest Warden—Maheu Pernelle the Hunchback
  • Malkorl District Forest Warden—Caradoc Aceline
  • North District Forest Warden—Clement Moody of Koerr (Trimon)
  • King of Arms of Gwyfned—Boniface Chambers
  • Heralds & Pursuivents

    Ecclesiastical Offices

  • Cardinal Metropolitan Primate of Gwyfned (County and City)—Eugenius Falk,
  • Auxiliary Metropolitan Primate of Gwyfned—Theophanus Grote
  • Metropolitan Bishop of Orham—Bohemond FitzOliver Lord High Steward of Gwyfned Imperial Estate
  • Cardinal Metropolitan Archbishop of Mortonfell—Randolph Lastonne Iron-Hand, Lord’s Ordainers of Gwyfned
  • Suffragan Bishop Lower East Eldton—Dennis Coward
  • Suffragan Bishop Lower Eldruth—Aecburt DeBurl
  • Suffragan Bishop Upper East Eldton—Benjamin FitzPrince
  • Suffragan Bishop Upper Mortfell—Wilburt Braxton
  • Metropolitan Archbishop of Cynulf—Dominic Burden
  • Deacon of Farer’s Point—Gerald Gleason
  • Metropolitan Bishop of Raldt—Tobias Ardsley
  • Metropolitan Bishop of Tharston—Jorge Gelder
  • Suffragan Bishop of Southeast Urgholt—Anthony Fuller
  • Metropolitan Archbishop of Minton—Avery DeLoque
  • Suffragan Bishop Lower Cloudbridge—Clemont Olstone
  • Suffragan Bishop Upper Cloudbridge—Monte Pernelle Lord High - Keeper of the Privy Seal of Gwyfned
  • Suffragan Bishop West Gwyfned—Keryl Mannering Cofferer of Gwyfned
  • Metropolitan Bishop of Chaussane—Casper Oldoak
  • Metropolitan Bishop of Widden—Spencer Wright
  • Suffragan Bishop of Lower Khellidor—Bernardus Willoughby
  • Suffragan Bishop of Lower Trimon—Erold FitzOliver
  • Suffragan Prince Bishop of Upper Dolek—Theobald Allbaugh Viscount of Dolek, Baron of Kendroon, Lord Warden of the South and West, Lord High Chancellor of Gwyfned
  • Suffragan Bishop of Lower Dolek—Godfrey Wiggens
  • Suffragan Bishop of Upper Eldruth—Archibald Ward, High Chamberlain of Gwyfned


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