Gwyfned Magic Items

Gwyfnedi magic items are usually manifested as maille, books, spectacles, and chains of office. Any type of magic item may be found here, but the following represents native items.

Glamorous Spectacles

(Rare)—These glasses are polished in Faerie oil, allowing the wearer to see invisible beings and things, see past illusions, and see through glamour-based trickery. Faeries value their privacy and advantage, and will attempt to destroy these spectacles.  

Gwyfnedi Experimentals

(Rare)—While the subject will vary, these are books that include one or more volvelles. These are like astrolabes, and is a paper disk, or series of stacked disks, affixed to the page of a book by a pin or rivet that allows them freely to rotate. These are part analog computer, timepiece, interactive wheel chart, and all-purpose answer finders. Based on the book’s subject, volvelles may calculate many things, such as astrology & horoscopes; medical diagnosis; navigation; philosophical truths; star charts; theological proofs; or time-keeping. Enchanted experimenta books offer enhanced functions, such as (but not limited to):
  • Text requires a specific volvelle setting to open up the real secret book inside. Otherwise, the book’s true contents are hidden.
  • Conjure the writer’s spirit across time so you may question him.
  • Spirit projection into the book’s contents

    Gwyfned Sigil Maille

    (Very Rare)—This is Gwyfnedi maille of proof, already the finest maille in the empire, but with tiny, charged sigils stamped on every link. At the base level, this armor is charged with epic durability and virtually is indestructible, as well as epic rust and corrosion resistance.  

    Gwyfnedi Maille of Denial

    (Very Rare) This form of sigil maille grants the wearer immunity to one of the following types of attacks: one attack form (slashing bludgeoning etc. one weapon type (battleax, longsword, etc. or non-magical weapons.  

    Gwyfnedi Stealth Maille

    (Exceptionally Rare)—A variation on Gwyfnedi Sigil Maille, this armor often is sewn into jazzeraint armor, or worn beneath the wearer’s clothing. This armor is silent, without and rustling or metallic jangling to betray its presence.  

    Gwyfnedi Volant Maille

    (Exceptionally Rare)—While this variant Gwyfnedi Sigil Maille is named for flight, that is not its power. The user may leap superhuman distances and heights, suggesting flight. This may only be used for such maneuvers three times per day.  

    Gwynedi Maille of Fleetness

    (Exceptionally Rare)—Another form of Gwyfnedi Sigil Maille, this armor grants its wearer with magical fleetness and nimbleness. To the wearer, others move at glacial speed.  
    Keen Spectacles (Rare)—These glasses allow the wearer to focus in on tight details, letting them read or perceive close-up things that would be hard to see with normal vision.  

    Noble Chain of Office

    (Unique)—In Gwyfned, each non-royal ruling house has a chain of office. These are hereditary, and carefully guarded, and are granted to the new noble upon swearing homage to the monarch. While not as extravagant as royal chains, each of these is still beautifully crafted, made of gold and/or precious metals, and often bejeweled. These chains have varied powers, but each also comes with a virtual shield and proximity alarums. Additionally:
  • Cloudbridge—See distant things with hawklike acuity
  • Dolek—Find the path, as per the spell
  • East Eldton—
  • Eldruth—
  • Mortfell—
  • Trimon—Political Discernment

    Purblind Spectacles

    (Very Rare)—These glasses grant blind characters the ability to see again while worn and the glasses aren’t damaged.  

    Royal Chain of Office

    (Unique)—In Gwyfned, one’s personal status or office is displayed by wearing a chain of office. Royal chains are made of interconnect plates, all precious metal and bejeweled, and each chain has three to five powers. Common powers include heroes’ luck, magic resistance, speedy healing, and specific magical immunities (fire, mind control, etc.) Each also has a virtual shield and silent proximity alarums, making it all but impossible for enemies to get close without being detected. These chains are world-class artistic masterworks. These chains are intended for the following people:
  • Monarch—Political discernment, martial discernment, ecclesiastical discernment, mental shielding
  • Monarch’s Consort—
  • Eldest Son/Heir—Political discernment, ecclesiastical discernment,
  • Monarch’s Younger Sons—
  • Monarch’s Brother’s—Martial discernment

    Scholar’s Spectacles

    (Rare)—Vellum is expensive so many old books are recycled by having their text scraped off so they be written with new texts. Scholar’s spectacles allow the wearer to see past the current writing, causing the old, missing text to float back to the surface and become legible.  

    Umbral Spectacles

    (Uncommon)—These glasses have been polished in distilled aether, granting the wearer the ability to see ghosts, spirits, entities, demons, angels, and other invisible and unmanifest beings. They may even grant the power to see spiritually projected wanderers, and historical structures that now only exist as aethereal versions of lost buildings.
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