Gwyfned Military

Military Might and Force Projection

Gwyfned troops often are identifiable by feather or eagle motifs in their equipment. They posses a long-standing, comprehensive, but otherwise standard military training regime. There is no systemized martial art associated with Gwyfned. This army is well-trained for mountain combat, but suited for battles anywhere in Aorlis. Gwyfned fighters show a marked preference for fighting on foot, most likely because their homeland is mountainous and not as well suited to traditional heavy calvary charges.  


This country has the standard military hierarchy, with an earl marshal for the kingdom; a marshal for each army; a captain for each unit; and assorted lieutenants under the captains for smaller units. Their discipline is high, and they maintain an elevated level of professionalism compared to most medieval armies.  


Gwyfned’s military commanders are highly regarded in the empire, and the rank of marshall usually comes with an imperial knighthood. As well as their marshall’s batons, they are identifiable by their heavy livery collars/chains of office.  

Arms & Armor

Gwyfned often is associated with unadorned marshall’s batons, called Gwyfnedi Pacifiers. This simple weapon has been adopted by both the public and the military. Gwyfned troops also wield the poleaxe, flanged mace, ballock daggers, and (for backup) arming swords. The better armed soldiers wear Gwyfnedi Maille, which is famous for its fluidity, lightness, and outstanding quality. They also wear splinted greaves and bracers, and even coats of plates. Shields are little favored, but Gwyfned fighters carry bucklers to use with swords. Some soldiers have eagle-shaped helmets, but even poorer men-at-arms will paint eagle emblems on their headgear.  


In normal circumstances, Gwyfned can field an army of 20,000 to 28,000 troops, and its infantry is 25% poleax, 10% corseca, and 10% partesan; its cavalry is 15% heavy lancers, and 10% light; and 30% are crossbow archers. In addition, Gwyfned brings along +10% pioneers, +10% siege engineers, and +5% scouts. They are well trained and equipped for sieges. Gwyfned can also field +20% imperial knights, usually dispersed into leadership roles.    

Gwyfnedi Mail

Gwyfned is famous for the finest maille in Aorlis, and even the known world. It is exceptionally light, fluid, and double riveted. It comes in three grades: standard, proof, and rune. Proof maille has been certified puncture resistant to most arrows, bolts, spears, javelins, and so forth. Rune Maille is maille of proof where each link has been stamped with a tiny charged rune, making it magik, and tremendously valuable. Only wealthy men-at-arms can afford rune maille.  


Mercenary support is not common in Gwyfned, so their numbers only are about +10% of the total force. Gwyfned is land-bound, and has no local navy, but keeps a large standing navy in Kaldur with Baelrin as their home port.  




The Arlesian is a famous breed developed in Gwyfned. These horses are strongly built, nimble mounts, and they are well trained in show jumping, equine gymnastics, and a well-developed dressage system. These animals are around 15 hands high, colored gray (although other colors are possible), and stocky, compact, yet elegant, with thick manes and tales. They are beloved for their intelligence, docility, sensitivity, and desire to please, yet they also make superb warhorses. Arlesians have great stamina and fine gaits. It is illegal to sell them outside Gwyfned.  

Aldic Mountain Pony

More common to Gwyfned is the Aldic mountain pony. At 10 to 12 hands in height, these ponies are shaggy, with thick manes and beards, and they have coarse features, short necks, long backs, deep girths, yet gentle faces. They are famously tough, strong, require little foot and water, and they are remarkably agile in the mountains. They require no horseshoes, but their gate is rough. These ponies are well adapted to the cold, but they can be heat sensitive. Aldics are routinely grays or duns, but they can be almost any color.  

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