Hempton Dynasty Dagobert

The Promenading Peer, and Prince of Intrigues

This house has a reputation of being self-interested, placing a low premium on loyalty, and being fashionable always. The head of house Dagobert inherits the nicknames the Promenading Peer and Prince of Intrigues. He is the Count of Aesdis and Baron of Lenxos. Within the greater Rhonce and Hempton, the lead Dagobert holds the offices of Lord Grand Marshall of Hempton, and the Lord Grand Warden of the Arl River. This family is exceptionally wealthy, because it owns the monopoly of all brothels and bathhouses in Hempton. They also possess a Palace in Lenxos; and townhouses in Orlium, Idorn, and Suthchester   The Dagoberts keep their capital in Lenxos, their badge depicts a rose, and their motto is “Abandon Caution, Embrace Will.” They claim no mythic ancestor, but the Dagobert line has some succubus and siren and ancestry. When they use a morganatic name, it is Penfold.   The Dagoberts pay homage to the Martins, which is also their parent house. The Dagobert’s landed cadet houses include Pandolf of Fidales and Sven of Kindlesburr, while their unlanded cadet houses are Thangamar and Vigil.    


  • Diadem of Worthiness
  • Mace of Authority
  • Star of Brilliance
  • Sword of Mercy and Justice


  • Spells concerning eroticism, seduction, boosting the libido, lust, lowering others’ inhibitions, and removing others’ clothing


  • Sexual Magnetism
  • Authority Figure
  • Cunning
  • Exceptional Fashion Sense
  • Expert Manipulator
  • Heroic Ancestry—Kedric
  • Heroic Ancestry—Pendarr
  • Heroic Ancestry—Torenth
  • Mastermind
  • Outlandish Wealth
  • Regal Presence
  • Roots—Siren
  • Roots—Demon (Succubus)
  • Savoire-Faire
  • Social Privilege


  • Amoral
  • Changeable Loyalties
  • Mistrusted
  • Narcissistic
  • Overt Sex Drive
  • Philanderer
  • Preening Popinjay
  • Satyriasis
  • Venereal Disease

    Skill Pool

  • Using Erotic Arts
  • Seducing


    • Dagobert I 945-977 (brother of Edmund I Martin)
    • Edwin I 977-999
    • Henry I 999-1014
    • Walter I 1014-1064 m. Olbeth (succubus)
    • Gilbert I 1064-1080
    • Adelardus I 1080-1101
    • Adelardus II 1101-1127
    • Michael I 1127-1155 m. Edanna (siren)
    • James I 1155-1154
    • Henry II 1154-1175
    • Adelardus III 1175-1192
    • Adelardus IV 1192-1204
    • Guy I 1204-1212
    • David I 1212-1240
    • Adelardus V 1240-Current

    Immediate Family

  • Adelardus V Dagobert Count of Aesdis
  • Consort—Danesia
  • Heir—Adelardus Dagobert the Younger. Baron of Lenxos.
  • Younger Son—Kenneth
  • Younger Son—Liam
  • Daughter—Evelyn
  • Daughter—Francine
  • Daughter—Inez
  • Daughter—Heloise
  • Official Mistress—Noirise
  • Son—Maxwell FitzAdelardus
  • Daughter—Janifer Fitz Adelardus
  • Favorite I—Cyrel
  • Favorite II—Edwina


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