Hempton Dynasty Martin

The Farmer King, the Lord Greyhound of Hempton

The head of house Martin inherits the sobriquets of the Farmer King, as well as the Lord Greyhound of Hempton. This house is pious, conservative, and enjoys close ties with the Universal Church. Indeed, House Martin’s younger sons often become priests and bishops. It is also noteworthy that this family comes with a strong, competitive streak.   The Martins are known for being greyhound breeders and racers. They also support local weapon smiths, and often build churches and establish monasteries. They are also well known for their longstanding grudge against house Tankred.   The Lord Martin pays homage to the King of the Rhonce. Within the Rhonce as a whole, the head Martin is the Lord Grand Admiral of the Coast (of the Arlin Sea). In Hempton, he is the Palatine Duke of Hempton, the Count of Hempton, and the Arch Baron of Idorn. He keeps his capital in Idorn, but he also owns four hunting lodges in the Dithmurge Swamp; townhouses in Suthchester City, Kaidlorr City, and Baelrin City; and a plaisance in Solarette.   The Martin’s badge is the greyhound, their color is argent, and their motto is “Faith Begets Might.” They are the patrons of the Halwin Knights, aka the Most Sacrosanct Order of Holy Halwin.   They claim no mythic progeniture, and their parent house is Banville, and when they adopt a morganatic name, it is Marlenus. Martin’s landed cadet house includes Gebwin, Count of Borrsford and Baron of Orlium; Camilla, Count of Marcette and Baron of Beloi; Dagobert, Count of Aesdis and Baron of Lenxos; and Adaleus, Count of Suthchester and Baron of Suthchester. Their unlanded cadet house are Idalia, Ketill, and Cadell.  


  • Amulet of Validity
  • Gauntlet of Justice
  • Goblet of Recognizance
  • Sphere of Universal Faith
  • Sword—Dragon Fang, Sword of Martin I


  • Royal healing magic is usually associated with kings, but the Martins are an exception. They also may create healing rings (sometimes called “cramp” rings) that may be distributed as they see fit.


  • Animal Whisperer—Greyhound
  • Authority Figure
  • Common Sense
  • Grudge Bonus—House Tankred
  • Heroic Ancestry—Kedric
  • Heroic Ancestry—Pendarr
  • Heroic Ancestry—Torenth
  • Opportunist
  • Patronage—Halwin Knights
  • Regal Presence
  • Royal Healing Touch
  • Social Privilege
  • Unshakable Faith


  • Blind Spot—Clerical Abuses
  • Closed-Minded
  • Dangerous Ally—Church
  • Hyper-Religiosity
  • Judgmental
  • Overly Competitive

    Skill Pool

  • Animal Husbandry—Greyhounds
  • Archery
  • Crossbow
  • Gaming—Sport (Greyhound Racing)


    • Martin I 929-951
    • Edwin I 951-977 (brother is Dagobert of Aesdis)
    • Rengarth I 977-1001
    • Niallus I 1001-1011
    • Baldwin I 1011-1032
    • Rengarth II 1032-1090
    • Gaurhalt I 1090-1092
    • Niallus II 1092-1133
    • Gaurhalt II 1133-1181
    • Brus I 1181-1201
    • Bellius I 1201-1206
    • Bellius II 1206-1220
    • Niallus III 1220-1230
    • Rengarth III 1230-Present

    Immediate Family

  • Rengarth III Martin Palatine Duke of Hempton
  • Consort—Olivia
  • Heir—Rengarth Martin the Younger, Count of Hempton
  • Younger Son—Toland Martin Archbaron of Idorn
  • Daughter—Elouise
  • Daughter—Denissa
  • Favorite—Odo the Knight of Harmony


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