Hempton History

Martin Timeline


House Martin

  • Palatine Duke of Hempton, 929-Present, Cadet of House Banville
  • Rengarth III 1230-Present
  • Niallus III 1220-1230
  • Bellius II 1206-1220
  • Bellius I 1201-1206 (The Donation of Kaidlorr)
  • Brus I 1181-1201
  • Gaurhalt II 1133-1181
  • Niallus II 1092-1133
  • Gaurhalt I 1090-1092
  • Rengarth II 1032-1090
  • Baldwin I 1011-1032
  • Niallus I 1001-1011
  • Rengarth I 977-1001
  • Edwin I 951-977 (brother is Dagobert of Aesdis)
  • Martin I 929-951 (Brother of Tankred I of Hexton)

    House Banville

  • High King of Old Mannaxe, 885-929, Cadet of House Valde
  • 917-929 Gimm II
  • 912-917 Oswy I
  • 900-912 Banville II
  • 885-900 Banville I

    House Valde

  • High King of Old Mannaxe, 621-885, Cadet of House Pendarr
  • 854-885 Bertwinnen II
  • 833-854 Bertwinnen I (m. Lunette of House Kedric)
  • 822-833 Valde V
  • 791-822 Valde IV
  • 769-791 Dreng II
  • 768-769 Hlaford II (m. Ronalynne of House Kedric)
  • 728-768 Valde III
  • 702-728 Dreng I
  • 683-702 Valde II
  • 652-683 Hlaford I
  • 621-652 Valde I

    House Pendarr

  • High King of Mannaxe (Rhonce+Kaldur), 484-621, Son of Torenth
  • 601-621 Odvyn I
  • 589-601 Wolfhere II
  • 562-589 Pendar III (m. Margalese of HOuse Kedric)
  • 552-562 Pendar II
  • 525-552 Wolfhere I
  • 484-525 Pendarr I (Son of Torenth, brother to Wollyn, Tavhros, Thurston, and Pendarr)


  • Emperor of Aorlis, 440-484

    House Kedric

  • Kedric the Axe, King of Mannaxe, Mythological
  • Dagobert Timeline


    House Dagobert

  • Count of Aesdis, 945-Present, Cadet of House Martin
  • Adelardus V 1240-Current
  • David I 1212-1240
  • Guy I 1204-1212
  • Adelardus IV 1192-1204
  • Adelardus III 1175-1192
  • Henry II 1154-1175
  • James I 1155-1154
  • Michael I 1127-1155 m. Edanna (siren)
  • Adelardus II 1101-1127
  • Adelardus I 1080-1101
  • Gilbert I 1064-1080
  • Walter I 1014-1064 m. Olbeth (succubus)
  • Henry I 999-1014
  • Edwin I 977-999
  • Dagobert I 945-977 (brother of Edmund I Martin)

    House Martin

  • 929-945, Cadet of House Banville
  • Edwin I 951-977 (brother is Dagobert of Aesdis)
  • Martin I 929-951 (Brother of Tankred I of Hexton)

    House Banville

  • High King of Old Mannaxe, 885-929, Cadet of House Valde
  • 917-929 Gimm II
  • 912-917 Oswy I
  • 900-912 Banville II
  • 885-900 Banville I

    House Valde

  • High King of Old Mannaxe, 621-885, Cadet of House Pendarr
  • 854-885 Bertwinnen II
  • 833-854 Bertwinnen I (m. Lunette of House Kedric)
  • 822-833 Valde V
  • 791-822 Valde IV
  • 769-791 Dreng II
  • 768-769 Hlaford II (m. Ronalynne of House Kedric)
  • 728-768 Valde III
  • 702-728 Dreng I
  • 683-702 Valde II
  • 652-683 Hlaford I
  • 621-652 Valde I

    House Pendarr

  • High King of Mannaxe (Rhonce+Kaldur), 484-621, Son of Torenth
  • 601-621 Odvyn I
  • 589-601 Wolfhere II
  • 562-589 Pendar III (m. Margalese of HOuse Kedric)
  • 552-562 Pendar II
  • 525-552 Wolfhere I
  • 484-525 Pendarr I (Son of Torenth, brother to Wollyn, Tavhros, Thurston, and Pendarr)


  • Emperor of Aorlis, 440-484

    House Kedric

  • Kedric the Axe, King of Mannaxe, Mythological


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