Hempton Military

Military Might

Hempton possesses a standard military training regime, but it has no locally developed martial art traditions. This country is unusual in that it still relies on the feudal levy for most of its troops, and her nobles still are militarized to serve as field commanders. Since the levies are active still, community military training is still mandatory.


There is an agricultural element to Hemptonian weaponry. Her troops prefer the bill hook or military flail, for example, but they also wield crossbows, arming swords, falchions, daggers, knives, and maces.  


For armor, Hemptonian common troops wear padded gambesons and iron kettle hats with steel gorgets, but they do not carry shields. High-profile soldiers wear gambesons, maille, and coats of plates; heater shields; and padded coifs, under maille coifs, under steel basinets, beneath great helms.  


Hempton has the standard military hierarchy with an earl marshal for the country; a marshal for each army; a captain for each unit; and assorted lieutenants for internal divisions. Discipline and morale are good to average.  


Hempton can field an army of 25,000 to 30,000 troops, and its infantry is 20% light military flail, and 20% light bill hook; its cavalry is 15% heavy lancers, and 15% light lancers; 10% of the army is light skirmishers; and 20% are light crossbowmen.


As mercenaries go, Hempton keeps +15% heavy Hemptonian Crossbowmen on retainer, all drawn from the Iron Brotherhood. This country is well-versed in siege warfare, with +10% pioneers, +10% siege engineers, and +10% scouts.  

War Wagons

This state can field 10-12 war wagons with 5 heavy soldiers armed with long flails, 5 heavy crossbowmen, and 5 heavy artillery-men (with their ballistas) per wagon  


Hempton possesses a small navy, with 12 to 20 fortified cogs fitted with stern and fore castles, plus two to four fortified hulks. Each ship has multiple ballista, and they use Idorn City and Djailford Town as home ports.  


Hemptonians don’t have any native horse bloodlines, but they source their equine needs from far and wide, as well as some homegrown mounts.


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