Hexton Dynasty Panloon

The Mad Bastards of Panloon

Often called the Mad Bastards of Panloon, this family is noted for being wily, self-serving, and outright mad. They are brilliant artists, and they have been active in developing a naturalistic form of portraiture. The head of this house is the traditional court alchemist of Hexton, and the Baron of Panloon.   Panloons like the think in terms of the impossible, and they have all made it a family quest to write music that features the 9th note in an eight-note scale. The Panloon badge is a songbird, its color is Or, and their motto is “Stand Tall, Sing High.” The family claims no mythic ancestors, but they have some vampire and demon blood in their lineage. When they choose to use a morganatic name, it is Piers. The Panloons keep their capital in Arleton town, Panloon, and they also maintain a townhouse in Maldum. In Arlton, the Panloons are supportive of the minstrelsy scene and painting community. They also keep a well known personal menagerie of apes and monkeys.   House Tankred is Panloon’s overlord, and it is also the parent house from which the Panloons descend. The Panloons landed cadet houses are Froment of Odhall, Bernice of Prankton, and Jornelle of East Bafton. Their unlanded cadet houses are Portia, Stringman, and Backsmonne.  


  • Spear of Temerity
  • Spurs of Glory


  • Wide variety of practical alchemical operations, such as the formula to create homunculus. Additionally, they grind and mix enchanted pigments for a variety of magical paintings, including portal and channels of communication.


  • Authority Figure
  • Heroic Ancestry—Kedric
  • Heroic Ancestry—Pendarr
  • Heroic Ancestry—Torenth
  • Masterpiece
  • One-Step-Ahead
  • Poet’s Soul
  • Prodigy—Artistic
  • Prodigy—Music
  • Social Privilege


  • Poor Judge of Character
  • Unhinged


  • Panloon I 1058-1088 m. Perinella (sister of Maurhalt III)
  • Berintan I 1088-1101
  • Quinlan I 1101-1130 m. Raella (Dhampyre)
  • Mayfor I 1130-1140 m.
  • Berintan II 1140-1142
  • Edourd I 1142-1164 m. Arbella (Cambion)
  • Mayfor II 1164-1025
  • Quinlan II 1205-1230
  • Quinlan III 1230-1254
  • Mayfor III 1254-Present

    Immediate Family

  • Mayfor III Panloon, Baron of Panloon, the Mad Fiddler
  • Consort—Eunice (d.)
  • Daughter—Melora (d.)
  • Homunculus of Daughter—Melora


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