Hexton Dynasty Tankred

The Bull of Hexton, the Hexmun, the Lord of Old Mannaxe

The Tankreds have the well-deserved reputation of being cruel and impatient. The head of the house is called the Bull of Hexton, the Hexmun, or the Lord of Old Mannaxe. He is the Palatine Duke of Hexton, the Count of Hexton, and the Arch Baron of Maldum, and his heir holds the office of sheriff of Hexton. They pay grudging homage to the King of Rhonce, and they bear longstanding enmity with the Martin family.   The Tankred’s capital is in Maldum. They possess townhouses in Bellemuir, Highgate, and Ekburgh, as well as hunting lodges in Murge, Nebton, and Soleth. The Tankred family badge is a bulls head, the family color is murray, and their motto is “I Keep My Own.” When they choose to employ a morganatic name, it is Tornais.   The Tankred’s (and Martin’s) parent house was Banville. House Tankred does not claim any mythological ancestors, but there certainly is some salamander (fire elemental) and shape-changing reptilian in their lineage. Their landed cadet families are Nimraeth Count of Voorse, Baron of Hunthrop; Denwold Count of Soleth and Baron of Drestorm; Polth Count of Osmal and Baron of Vendarth; Gaucelm Count of Greater Soleth and Baron of Darwold; and Panloon, Baron of Panloon. The Tankred’s unlanded cadet houses are Quirinus and Norbert.  


  • Blood Letter—Great ax
  • Dark Song Throne
  • Eye of Tankred Amulet
  • Orb of Dominance
  • Red Reaver—Great Sword


  • Not well known, but rumored to know spells that allow them slowly regrow lost limbs or organs.


  • Authority Figure
  • Frozen Fury
  • Grudge Bonus—House Martin
  • Heroic Ancestry—Kedric
  • Heroic Ancestry—Pendarr
  • Heroic Ancestry—Torenth
  • Intimidating Prowess
  • Philosophy—Stoicism
  • Regal Presence
  • Roots—Martial
  • Roots—Reptilian
  • Roots—Salamander
  • Rugged
  • Social Privilege


  • Amoral
  • Cruelty
  • Dark Moods
  • Mistrusted
  • Roots—Dark
  • Impatient
  • Pro-Slavery Ideology
  • Overly Proud
  • Lineage

    • Tancred I 929-965
    • Hugh I 965-970
    • Maurhalt I 970-972 m. Maribelle (reptilian)
    • Gilbert I 972-1001 m. Lucille of Eubrac
    • Gilbert II 1001-1022
    • William I 1022-1030
    • Walther I 1030-1038 m. Clarity (salamander)
    • Maurhalt II 1038-1050
    • Henry I 1050-1060
    • Maurhalt III 1060-1082 (sister m. Panloon I)
    • Norman I 1082-1103
    • Geoffrey 1103-1129
    • Walther II 1129-1151
    • James I 1151-1176
    • Gilbert III 1176-1215
    • Maurhalt IV 1215-Present

    Immediate Family

  • Maurhalt IV Tankred, Palatine Duke of Hexton, Count of Hexton
  • Duke’s Brother—Henry
  • Consort I—Morium
  • Heir—Jorge Tankred, Arch Baron of Maldum, Sheriff of Hexton (see below)
  • Younger Son—Carlin
  • Consort II—Olicia
  • Daughter—Regina
  • Son—Eduard
  • Consort III—Bothelle
  • Son—Geoffrey
  • Son—Armin
  • Son—Elmund
  • Morganatic Consort—Delphine
  • Son--Emory Tornais
  • Son--Fletcher Tornais
  • Daughter--Margery Tornais
  • Official Mistress--Celeste
  • Daughter--Regine FitzMaurhalt
  • Son--Maxwell FitzMaurhalt

    Heir's Immediate Family

  • Heir—Jorge Tankred, Arch Baron of Maldum, Sheriff of Hexton
  • Heir’s Consort I—Morium
  • Heir—Ban
  • Daughter—Morium
  • Heir's Morganatic Consort I—Amelia
  • Daughter—Olindia Tornais
  • Son—Jorge Tornais
  • Son—Kevin Tornais
  • Son—Korwin Tornais
  • Heir's Official Mistress I—Marbelle
  • Younger Son—Torenth FitzMaurhalt


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