Hexton Fable & Folklore

Stoicism, Money, and Chains

Recurring Theme, Lore, or Symbolism

  • History has carved Hexton’s culture into a stoic, mercantile-based, hard-hearted thing.

Local Creatures

  • Knucker—Dorrigen is Hexton’s best known lake monster, but she is not the only one, and Murge barony is a knucker nesting ground.
  • Onac—These bizarre serpents exist in the Voorse Hills, and into the wider forest that surrounds them.
  • Shadow People—There is a strong, recurrent theme of shadow people in Maldum City, but they may be encountered anywhere in Hexton.

Historical Figures

  • Tankred the Red Reaver is remembered in Hexton as a national hero, but in greater Aorlis his reputation is as a butcher. He flayed or spiked tens of thousands of victim, and his wife Matilda lived on a steady diet of maids she killed. Tankred was a giant of a man. His ghost is now bound to the ax of state, which now bears his name, Tankred the Red Reaver.

Heroes & Monsters of Myth and Folklore

  • Reptile Men or saurians long have been rumored to hunt the Dithmurge Swamp, in Murge barony, but this has never been proven. No one has encountered these beings in living memory.
  • Kedrick—Immortalized by the Kedrickstand Hills in Voorse, Kedrick is remembered as a powerful wizard who collected wives. He is thought to have had twelve of them in quick succession, all in the quest to father an heir.
  • Dorrigen is the famed lake monster of Dorwin Lake in Amalunde. She is rarely seen, but she seems to take a perverse joy in capsizing a vessel or two every few decade.

Historical Sites

  • There is a cyclopean salt cutting of a chariot and driver visible from the Arlin Sea in Ekhal.
  • Bridge of Wind—This is a mythological bridge that was said to have traversed the Pillars of Andrin, from Ekhal to Uadan on Khand. This structure predates the Karmithians, and no one knows who built it, but the monumental bridge footings are still evident on the Aorlis side.
  • Palace of Mayfor Panloon—The Panloons are known for their quirky, nonconformist style, and this lost place (really a hunting lodge) is known for its eccentric architecture and world-class art collection.
  • Forsaken Waste—Situated in southern Nevorre, this region is reputed to be cursed. The legend probably arises from the economic pillage, burn, and salt-the-land campaigns during the Karmithian invasion. Now better known for mud and clay, and few people live here.
  • Temple of Despair—Now in ruins and grown over, this was a soaring tower built near Maldum. It was constructed by the 10th century alchemist Kenneth deWick, called Dark Rune. No one knows what he was delving into, but the tower was destroyed by a series of monumental lightning strikes and later fires. It was never rebuilt.

Magic on the Landscape

  • Portions of Maldum Castle, in Maldum barony, are deadspace traps. Deadspace snares disorientated victims, and strands them in a shadowy duplicate world alone. Shadow people eventually arrive and finish the victim.

Material History

  • Hextonian smiths, who are combination necromancer/smiths, excel at attaching ghosts or demons to weapons. Tankred the Red Reaver, the state axe of Hexton, is one such.

Odd Competitions or Traditions

  • Most education in Hexton involves ritual beatings as a memory aid. This makes students cruel and devoid of empathy.


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