Hexton Military

Military Might

These soldiers easily are recognized for their leather armor preference and the horned motif they work into their weapons. Hextonians possess a standard military training regime, although they have no specialized, native martial art.


Hexton troops favor the great bearded ax, and the two-handed great sword, but they also are known to wield a variety of contemporary weapons, such as the arming sword, dagger, knife, man-catcher, pickaxe, and the short slashing spear/sword-spear.  


As armor goes, Hexton is unusual for their favor of boiled leather armor. Common soldiers wear boiled leather cuirasses, skull caps, and pteruges. Higher-status troops are more likely to wear padded gambesons, maille, and boiled leather. The leather usually presents itself as greaves, bracers, cuirrases, pteruges, and gorgets. Shield are not common here, since most Hextonians fight two-handed. To protect their heads, these men-at-arms wear conical steel helmets with nasals and attached maille aventails, all over padded coifs.  


They have the standard military hierarchy with an earl marshal for the country; a marshal for each army; a captain for each unit; and assorted lieutenants for internal divisions. Hextonian morale and discipline are high, perhaps because the stakes always are high when failure is not tolerated. The Hextonian character centers on stoicism and pragmatism, and its military commanders are no different. They are detailed planners and excellent strategists.


Hexton can field an army of 20,000 to 23,000 troops, and its infantry is 15% light bardiche, 15% great sword, and 15% bearded great ax; its cavalry is 20% heavy lancers, and 15% light lancers; and its ballistics is 20% light crossbow.  


Hexton has well-developed siege capabilities, and access to the most modern equipment and expertise. They have +10% pioneers, +10% siege engineers, and +5% scouts.  

Black Caps

Regarding specialists, the Hextonian Black Cap mercenaries are legendary, and Hexton brings along about +20% of them. The Black Caps universally are good at sea, on land, wherever needed.  

Hextonian Coursers

These horses stand 14-15 hands tall, with gray, black, bay, brown, or chestnut coloration. They are noted for high withers, powerful front ends, short backs, and short fetters. While known as hot-bloods, they are docile, willing, and eager with their masters and trainers. These horses were bred for stamina.


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