Hexton Places of Interest

Bridge of Wind

This is a mythological bridge that was said to have connected the Pillars of Andrin, from Ekhal in Hexton to Uadan in Khand. Scholars believe it was conjured for a mass migration into Aorlis and Karmithia. This Neolithic structure predates the written history, and the monumental bridge footings are so large that most don’t recognize them for what they are.  


There is a cyclopean salt cutting of a chariot, including its driver, visible from the Arlin Sea in Ekhal, Hexton.  

Forsaken Waste

In southern Nevorre, this region is valuable for its high grade iron clay, but it is also feared. This region has a persistent Aarth hum, occasional sky quakes, and bizarre aerial phenomena such as luminescent sky pillars. Attempts at pasturing animals here result in those creatures’ death and dismemberment.  


Ruined monastery on the western promontory of Hexton County, Hexton, overlooking the Sea of Rhyosa. No one knows what type of monks they were, but they became deeply obsessed with necromancy, summoned a demon of unknown type, and it cut out their hearts, eyes and genitals. The heartless, blind, unsexed monks still haunt this place, hoping to find their lost anatomy and thus find peace.  

Palace of Mayfor Panloon

Built in the 1060s in the Forsaken Wastes, in Nevorre, Hexton, this palace is known for its multiple locations. There are at least three places the structure is said to be, and all three locations are valid, and it is indeed a single structure that is located in many places. The Panloons are known for their quirky, nonconformist style, and this place (really a hunting lodge) is known for its eccentric architecture and world-class art collection. As one might assume, enter the house in one place, perhaps exit it in another place all-together.  

Temple of Desolation

Now in ruins and grown over, this is a soaring tower built near Maldum City in Hexton. It was constructed by the 10th century alchemist Kenneth deWick, called Dark Rune. No one knows what heresy he delved into, but the tower was destroyed by a series of monumental lightning strikes and later fires. It was never rebuilt.


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