
The Aginriates Town, the Towers

Highgate, commonly referred to as Aginriates Town, or the Towers, has 14,000 permanent citizens, with seasonal surges of visitors. Its crest is a sea-wolf rampant sable with chief gules on a field or with a fess vert. Prior to the Aginriates, this was a nondescript village.

The order was founded in 990, and it received its city charter in 997. In political terms, it stands in the Barony of Highgate, the County of Ekhal, the Palatine Duchy of Hexton, in the High Kingdom of Rhonce.

Highgate Town is an island seaport in the Sea of Arlin, and the island and its barony are also named Highgate. Castle Therion serves as the General Chapterhouse of the Aginriate Order and the Grand Master’s administration. There are several market centers, but they are not key to the town’s layout. The castle’s magnificent church is devoted to St. Therion the Ax, the sainted founder of the Aginriate order.

All the city streets are cobbled. The town walled with state-of-the-art fortifications with tall, hexagonal towers, and the whole settlement is in effect a super castle. Castle Therion is considered unbreakable.
Highgate is tied to Bellemuir Town in a northerly direction by a ferry plus a secondary road, but it is the sea that affords the town’s overall connectivity.

Legends claim there is a gate to hell in the cellars or under the castle, and that’s where the knights incarcerate all their enemies. Word has it that there are dead-space traps in the tunnels under the city, too.

There is an annual storytelling festival held here, celebrating Mannaxe and Hextonian lore, intended to keep morale high.

Copper, tin, and sea salt are mined here. The island is home to flocks of sea wyverns, and doughty natives will climb dangerous cliffs to collect their eggs.

Therion, first Grand Master of the Aginriates in 990, is by far the most celebrated historical native here.


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