HKE Government

Administrations of an Empire

Ceremonial Basis

The hallmark of Thendarian government is its heavy reliance on ceremony. Thendaros functions under the assumption that it is the most advanced civilization on the planet, and their culture is the only high culture on Aarthus. The rest of world measures from “near civilized” (Kthay, Aarchonia, Khemd) to uncouth barbarian (Aorlis, anywhere else.)  


Thendarians are the absolute masters of theatrical statecraft and diplomatic one-upmanship. Their tactics suggest their own superiority and the classical greatness of their city, and the lesser status and inferiority of others. They practice adversarial gift giving to make the recipient beholden to them, lavishly outgiving and exerting authority over the beneficiary.  
HKE families are not hereditary houses, nor are the official titles and positions. Each generation must make its own way. This makes social mobility quite possible, and some people may rise high above their starting status. Education, patronage, and talent can take you to the top. This makes it an egalitarian society to a degree.

Imperial Offices

Each office has different colors, badges, buckles, and clothes. Which office holds precedence over the others is undefined, which limits their power, sets them in opposition to each other, and maintains a competitive status quo. These offices are often used as rewards, granted by the emperor, with life-time tenure only.  


They may be found in all parts of society, including the Church and military. They are common because they are considered trustworthy in that they have no sexual desire, nor do they have or heirs. This keeps the eunuch from developing a hereditary power base. They are usually made eunuchs when young, but on rare occassions older men have suffered castration in exchange for social advancement.  

Social Class & Titles

  • Imperial (“Purple Born”)
  • Emperor
  • Caesar—Heir or co-emperor
  • Despotes—Imperial heirs
  • Sebastokrator imperial family not in succession
  • Grand Vizier—Administers empire
  • Vizier—12 cabinet administrators
  • Sub-vizier—Numerous high-level functionaries
  • Great Dukes
  • Admiral of the Navy
  • Grand Domestics (army command)
  • Strategos of Eastern army
  • Strategos of Western army
  • Grand Chamberlain of the Palace
  • Master of Wardrobe and Treasury
  • Masters of the Companions
  • Strategos of Imperial Guard
  • Strategos of Mercenaries
  • Honestiores (The “Privileged”)
  • Senators
  • Equestrians
  • Decurions
  • Veterans
  • Humiliores (The “Humble,” here and below must take father’s profession)
  • Collegia Members (Members Of Major Guilds)
  • Lawyers
  • Accountants
  • Scribes
  • Minor Officials
  • Diplomats
  • Agrarian Class
  • Small-Scale Farmer Owners
  • Agricultural Labourers (Coloni)
  • Slaves
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