
The City of Romance, the City of Lights, the City of Churches

Called the City of Romance, the City of Lights, or the City of Churches, this coastal mega city was founded as a Karmithian Castra in -541. This one-of-a-kind metropolis is built on a tidal swamp, and it has no wall, relying instead on the sea for defense. It is in the County of Kaidlorr, The Palatine Duchy of Kaidlorr, in the High Kingdom of Rhonce, where the Arl River empties into the Sea of Arlin. Kaidlorr city sits astride Marling Street, and is connected to Solarette to the southwest, Suthchester to the northeast, and by secondary road to Feldkirk. Kaidlorr residents are a patriarchal people, known for being orthodox, judgemental, and secretive. The city is famed as a bell foundry, and it has a thriving visual arts scene (attracting the finest artists and craftsmen in the known world), and for paper and vellum production.
It hosts the University of Kaidlorr, with Morloss, Umfrey, and Wilbert Colleges, specializing in theology, as well as metaphysics and mysticism. Kaidlorr’s crest is two gondolas riding waves of azure and argent. As mentioned, the city is built in a tidal swamp on six small islands, and supported over the water by wooden pylons driven into the swamp bed. The city has canals rather than streets, and it is navigated by gondolas. Its great wealth has made it beautiful, with parks, gardens, wide streets, and monumental arches and statues lining its processional ways. The Old Karmithian language is used for day-to-day life here, though everyone also speaks Aenglik. The city's traditional patron saints are Aenor Copper Mane and Umphrey the Light Bearer.


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