World Codex

Kaidlorr' World View

- In Heaven, beyond the ninth sphere, there is an order to things. There is Ahiom on his throne, his divine court and ministers, his armies of Ellid, and Faithful.
  • On Aarthus, Kaidlorr is a direct reflection of that holy, Heavenly order, with the Pontiff, the Church, the priesthood and the Faithful mirroring that higher world.
  • The Patriarch, our holy Pontiff, is the voice of Ahiom on Aarthus, the spiritual leader of the world, and the temporal lord of Kaidlorr.
  • It is the Pontiff that coronates emperors. The Patriarch is the singular, central authority on Aarthus, and everyone pays him fealty. This is the proper order of things.
  • There is no metropolis more romantic and beautiful than gleaming Kaidlorr City. Built upon the waters, it rises like a prayer into the sky. Its streets are canals, its walls marble and its roofs are gold. It is an example of what man may achieve when he puts his trust in Ahiom.
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