Kaidlorr Characters


  • Aenglik—Ostric 100%
  • Pigeon Aenglik 10%
  • Classic Karmithian 80%
  • Legal Karmithian 80%


  • 01-05 Infernal Church
  • 06-00 Universal Faith


  • 01-05 Cambion
  • 06-00 Human


  • 01-40 Agricultural
  • 41-50 Coast
  • 51-60 Highland
  • 61-75 River
  • 76-00 Urban (See “Urban Center”)

    Urban Center

  • 01-15 Eumot
  • 16-30 Feldkirk
  • 31-50 Holdwall
  • 51-00 Kaidlorr City

    Dynastic House

  • Roll for Country Again, and roll for Family/House in the result. This is because high ranking ecclesiastical can come from anywhere in Aorlis.
  • Advantage Pool

  • Aptitude—Languages
  • Born Educator
  • Defend Homeland
  • Disciplined
  • Holy Discernment
  • Mystic Ecstacy
  • Opportunist
  • Sanctified Halo
  • Savoire-Faire
  • Shield of Faith
  • Smite Heretic
  • Social Privilege
  • Worldly

    Disadvantage Pool

  • Closed-Minded
  • Hyper-Religiosity
  • Arrogant
  • Supercilious Culture

    Skill Pool

  • Administration
  • Agriculture
  • Ceremony
  • Church Liturgy
  • Diplomacy
  • Eschatology
  • Etiquette/Protocol
  • Exegesis
  • Hagiography
  • Intrigue
  • Language—Ancient (Old Karmithian)
  • Law/Juris Prudence—Canon Law
  • Literacy—Aenglik
  • Literacy—Old Aarchonian
  • Literacy—Old Karmithian
  • Master Masonry
  • Monastic Sign Language
  • Musicianship—Pipe Organ, Harpsichord, Mandolin
  • Painting
  • Painting Miniatures
  • Sculpture
  • Stained-Glass Working
  • Winemaking

    Martial Pool

  • Axes—War Hammer, Mace, Maul, Pickaxe
  • Dagger—Dagger

  • Drive War Wagon
  • Formation Tactics—War Wagon
  • Jointed—Holy Water Sprinkler, Morning Star
  • One-Handed Swords—Arming Swords
  • Pole-Arms—Halberd
  • Shield—Heater
  • Shock Assault—Hammer Knights


  • For non-clerical people, use the Hempton name lists. Clerics come from all over Aorlis, so roll again for their home country and choose their birth names from that list.


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