Kaidlorr Fables & Folklore

The Church, the Faith, and the Patriarch

Recurring Theme, Lore, or Symbolism

  • Kaidlorr is defined as the religious center of the Church and Aorlis, and is the private estate of His Holiness, the Patriarch.
  • Conversely, the Infernal Church thrives in the shadows here. It is not a separate religion, but a perverse contradiction to all the Church’s liturgy, priesthood, and ceremony. It exists in opposition of the Church, but could not exist without it.

Local Creatures

  • Wherever the Infernal Church has established itself, demons and shadow people are encountered more often. All these diabolical locations are secret, so demon infestations are good indicators of nearby diabolism.
  • Other than this, Kaidlorr has no native monsters, and just standard animals for this region.

Historical Figures

  • Euchaid, saint and first patriarch, established his See in Kaidlorr. Why here rather than St. Rath’s in Thalium is not known, but Euchaid made Kaidlorr wealthy. The saint and founding father also died here, becoming its first local saint.

Heroes & Monsters of Myth and Folklore

  • Gwythurn, a local saint of dubious provenance, is believed to be a religious variant of Gwythurn Skysinger, and mythological forbearer king from Karlionne. See below for more.

Historical Sites

  • The basilica of Kaidlorr is preeminent in holiness and a prime pilgrimage attraction for Aorlis all year long.
  • Gwythurn Ridge, Kaidlorr, is reputed to be the place that Saint Gwythern dug up an imprisoned fallen angel, battled him, and then imprisoned the angel again. No one knows if it is true. The angel in the story is unidentified.
  • Eldrie’s Dyke—Beginning at Holdwall, and extending south almost to Suthchester, is an impressive defensive dyke. Folklore hints that it was dug in the eighth century, and probably erected to defend against Jotun invaders. In reality, it is prehistoric, and no one knows why it was built. Nor does anyone know who Eldrie was, although that is the name that has become attached to it.
  • Vault of Doom—This purportedly is a secret vault of world class magic items and dangerous grimoires that could destabilize or destroy the world. Only the Patriarch has the key.

Magic on the Landscape

  • Holy places and sanctified ground are common in Kaidlorr, with their auras of protection against unclean spirits and demons.

Odd Competitions or Traditions

  • Court life in Kaidlorr is well-developed and sophisticated, so spying and assassination by poison or necromancy is equally advanced. Political infighting and big money are the order of the day. Kaidlorr poisoners have developed toxins that only activate in combinations that cannot detected post-mortum, and have a variety of deadly effects.
  • Kaidlorr City is a lagoon town with canals rather than streets, so stevedore culture is strong here, and canal racing is a pastime and spectator sport.


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