Kaidlorr Flashpoints

Where the Action Begins!

  • The pirate power of the Arlin Sea is the Sea Serpent fleets. Their fleet is primarily based out of Greythorne Island, and they make daring raids up and down coasts. They have even sacked Aorlisian cities and coast towns, and repeatedly prey on legal shipping the Holy City itself, Kaidlorr. In a world where sea power is becoming the medium of power, the Sea Serpents are well placed.
  • Most action in Kaidlorr centers around the election of new Patriarchs, with all the unrest and political jostling that goes along with that.
  • The Diabolocal Church is a religious offtshoot, or even side-effect, of the Church. Many clerics stand high in the Church, but their secret and real allegiance is with the Diaboloical Church. This organization worships evil, seeks to pervert the Church, its Liturgy, Ceremony, and intent. The Diabolical Church is not recognized or even admitted to, and the Church has made no move to eradicate its shadowy doppleganger. Fighting would expose how far the Church has been compromised, and the resulting chaos could well bring down the Church as a whole.


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