Kaidlorr Geography


Kaidlorr is composed of lowland plains, with half the country in heavy agriculture, and the other half being rolling plains. Some hills of note on the southern coast.  


This region ranges in 0’ to 1000’ in elevation, except for a few hilly areas that rise 1001’ to 2000’ high.  


Chaparral in coastal areas, temperate in the north.  


Coastlands—Hot and dry in summer, mild winters

Lowlands—Humid temperate zone, with warm summers, cool winters, with no temperature extremes. Rainfall is plentiful, and skies are usually overcast.



Coastal Zone—Drought-resistant shrubs, including cacti, cork oak, culinary herbs, evergreens, fruit trees, olive trees, and oranges

Lowlands—bog myrtle, bracken, buttercup, cranberry, foxglove, gorse, heather, moss, peat, saxifrage, tawny grass and wild violet

Flowers—bougainvillea, cranesbill, cherry blossom, cutleaf selfheal, grey-leaved cistus, gum rockrose, lantana, lesser butterfly orchid, pink lily leek, pomegranate, poppies, red carnations, southernwood, Spanish bluebell, spanish gorse, sunflower, water lilies and yellow monkshood



Forest were cleared long ago. Where patches of forest persist, they are:  
almond, ash, beech, chestnut, elm, eucalyptus, hazelnut, linden, maple, oak, olive, orange, pine and poplar



Birds—bustard, flamingo, golden eagle, griffin vulture, kite, storks

Domestic—cattle, donkeys, goats, horses and sheep

General—brown bear, giant lizard, jackal, lynx, otter, rabbits and wild boar

Marine—dolphin, green turtle, loggerhead turtle, monk seal, porpoise, ray, shark, and whale



Most of these are imported from other countries by Karmithians or from Emirkand.  
barley, buckwheat, flax, hashish, hemp, kanab (cannabis), lavender, millet, oats, poppies, rapeseed, rice, rye and tobaccum (tobacco)


freshwater lake and river fishing, oyster farming, saltwater fishing  




copper, gold, lead, limestone, marble, sandstone, sea salt, silver  


Plentiful water  


Except for the old Karmithian streets, such as Marling or Old streets, most roads here are rutted tracks that cut lazily across the landscape following the course of least resistance.

Natural Resources

  • Grain—Barley Buckwheat Millet Oats Rye Rice
  • Kaidlorian Chanvre/Smoke Weed
  • Specialists Goods

  • Bells (Kaidlorr City)
  • Manuscript Production
  • Miniatures
  • Painting/Portraiture
  • Paper
  • Stained Glass
  • Statuary
  • Vellum
  • Window Glazing—Crown Colored
  • Specialists

  • Canon Lawyer
  • Demon Hunter
  • Monk
  • Priest
  • Riverman
  • Witch Hunter
  • Bestiary

  • Demons
  • Imp
  • Sea Wyverns
  • Shadow People
  • Succubus/Incubus
  • Tatzelworm


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