Kaidlorr Military

Military Might

Kaidlorr is the religious capital of Aorlis, but they are also civil lords and landowners, meaning that they maintain an army for self-defense, rendering military dues to the King of Rhonce, and other policing needs. They posses a standard military training regime, but no native martial art. Troops are recruited here both with the feudal levy, with bishops acting as barons; and by hiring outside mercenaries.


They have the standard military hierarchy with an earl marshal for the country; a marshal for each army; a captain for each unit; and assorted lieutenants for internal divisions. Hammer Knights often fill leaderships posts.  


Kaidlorr troops prefer war hammers, but they also often wield maces, holy water sprinklers, morning stars, and halberds. They are not limited to those weapons, but also employ arming swords, daggers, and all the other common medieval melee weapons.  


Kaidlorr troops wear stuffed gambesons under maille hauberks; heater shields; and conical steel helmets with nasals and integral maille aventails. High profile troops wear padded gambesons, and full suits of maille (long sleeves, chausses, mittens, etc). They wield heater shields and great helms over basinets, maille, and padded coifs.  


Kaidlorr can field an army of 24,000 to 28,000 troops, and its infantry is 30% heavy halberd, and 15% heavy holy water sprinkler; its cavalry is 15% heavy lancers and 10% light horse with morning star; and 30% heavy crossbow (they ride to battle but fight on foot).


Kaidlorr’s standing navy is 20 to 25 heavily armed, fortified ships, each with a crew of 800 to 1,000 marines, and their home port is Kaidlorr City. The navy also includes 20 to 40 heavy transports, each with a crane, and their crews of about 20 sailors each. The Patriarch also keeps six hulks for his personal use and travel, each with a crew of 50 sailors, 500 marines, plus an unspecified number of Hammer Knights.  

Speciality Troops

Kaidlorr has extensive siege capabilities, with all the most advance technology. The have +15% pioneers, +15% siege engineers, and +5% scouts. It also can bring +30 to 40 war wagons, with 5 heavy soldiers armed with long flails, 5 heavy crossbowmen, and 5 heavy artillery-men (with their ballistas) per wagon. Kaidlorr has accounts with all the major mercenary companies, and keeps 600 to 1200 each of the Black Lances, Corvidae, and Iron Brotherhood on retainer. As militant monastics go, Kaidlorr maintains 560 Knights of the Hammer in command and supervisory positions, distributed through their greater armed forces.  


This country imports horses from other countries, but about 20% of their horse needs are homegrown. They breed here the finest donkeys in Aorlis.


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