Kaidlorr Places of Interest

Fordath/Eldrie’s Dyke

Beginning at Holdwall Town, and extending south almost to Suthchester, is an impressive defensive dyke. History is that it was erected in the eighth century to defend against Jotun invaders. It may have been used in this way, but the dyke is prehistoric, and no one remembers why it was built. It has been called both Fordath’s Dyke and Eldrie’s Dyke, but their identities are lost to time.  

Gwythurn Ridge

Kaidlorr, is reputed to be the place that Saint Gwythern released a fallen angel imprisoned deep underground, battled him, and then imprisoned the angel again. No one knows if it is true. The angel in the story is unidentified.  

Vault of Doom

This purportedly is a secret vault of doomsday-level magic items and grimoires that could destabilize or destroy the world. Only the Patriarch has the key. The cover story is that the vault is storage for old records.


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