
The Idyls

Lindomme, which translates as Lind’s home, is sometimes called the Idyls. Founded in 800, it bought its charter in 1123, and it has a population of 11,000. The town’s crest is an estolle pale wavy line or on a field of sable.

As political locations go, Lindome Town is found in the Barony of Barndton, the Duchy of Lyndross, the Kingdom of Noelred, in the High Kingdom of Ayrlium. It is on the west bank of Lind Lake, and the town itself is arrayed along the shore.

Fish farms are in the lake, while fisherman’s cabins and the local fish markets are onshore along the water line. There are a series of fine town houses at the end of market street. The town’s streets are not cobbled, but the old timber walls around the settlement are being replaced with updated stone walls and towers.

The town’s main church, devoted to Lindomme’s patron saint, Alfranc Fisherman of Souls, is hundreds of years old, and likely was a holy place before the Orthodox Faith came to Aorlis. The saint’s relic for reasons unknown has become animated (or undead), and it prattles on incessantly. The clerics sealed the saint’s skull (all that remains of him) in a sound-proofed reliquary, but the skull still bounces around within its confines. The saint’s lips are dried and papery, so no words can be made out, anyway.
Lindomme Town is connected to Dargrange Town to the northwest, and to Tolwycc Town to the southeast, both by secondary roads. The Arle/Wycc Canal also gives ready access to Laywich Town.

The locals here are friendly, inviting, and painfully polite. While unshakable, they have an obsession with their yearly vegetable and flower contests. The primary industry here is aquaculture, with fish farms and fish pens in the lake itself.

Lind Lake is home to Fayetta, Lady of the Lake, Winter Court Maid of Frost.

The mysterious Lindomme Working happened here in 1000, successfully opening a gate to another world, but afterward it sealed, the spell closed down, and its specific location hidden. Brangwine the Bold, Keeper of the Seventh Seal, the lady wizard who led the Lindomme Working, is said to be the half-human daughter of Fayetta.


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