
Scenic Litton, the Door to the North Aendrils

Litton is often referred to as Scenic Litton, both for its amazing mountain vistas and taern-side location. It also has the nickname’ of the Door to the North Aendrils. This town is in the Palatine County of Sothal, the Kingdom of Allyn, in the High Kingdom of Myddum, on the south shores of Litton Taern. It is connected south by southeast by secondary road to Gwyfned City; southeast by secondary road to Widden Town; southwest by west by secondary road to Fithbrook; and north by the Whiteslip River and by secondary road to Widewater Town. The town’s architecture is impressive, and it has been designed by the brightest young masons in training.
Bellton lies within the Royal North Forest district, so it is under the imperial forest law regime first, and its traditional feudal lords second. Its crest is a bend dancety, purpure, on field argent, with trefoil, or. It’s common here to hear troglodyte cries at night, as well as the screams of ghost winds. In the local guildhall, there is an astounding collection of intricate wooden, scale, architectural models. These are mason’s templates from past projects, and masons come here from all over Aorlis to study them.


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