Ma Pharcus

Based out of her home on Mount Thrandorr, just across the Ringe Taern from Gwyfned, Ma Pharcus, probably the oldest, ugliest ogre in creation. Ma is one of those rare beings that, rather than grow decrepit and helpless with age, grows meaner, harder, and leaner.   Her heritage is rich, because she is one of Vyrek the Vile’s children by an ogre father. That makes Nhyrakar her brother, the infamous Phat Phillip and Phuck Phace Pharcus, her grandsons, and her great granddaughter is Madge Pharcus. Because of her unusual family background, Ma ages in decades, not years, and she is well over 500 years old.   She is unusually huge, even by ogre standards, and is 16’ tall and about two tons in weight. Virtually indestructible, she can heal from almost any injury, and her brute strength is titanic. Her joints have grown huge and thick with age, making her appear very knobby; these joints are stiff and painful, so she dislikes strenuous activity, and she moves with a pronounced limp. She wears a tattered gown that probably was purloined from a giant wench. Ma Pharcus has a low, gravelly voice, speaks in broken Aenglik, and says grandmotherly things like “you naughty children,” and “mother spank!”  
She has a shock of wild, white hair; Sagging green skin; Red eyes with yellow whites; a wide mouth with an underbite and two protruding lower tusks; and the nails of her hands and feet are long, untended, and gnarly. Though not overly bright by human standards, Ma is quite cunning and shouldn’t be underestimated in battle or interpersonal dealings.   This elder ogre resides in a crude hut that is scaled to her size, and there is a big oven nearby where she grinds her “husbands’” bones into flour and bakes bread out of them. Ma sleeps for weeks at a time, and without fear, for she has no natural enemies, and nothing less than a dragon or elder vampire could threaten her.   Ma’s appetite for new husbands still lingers, so about every decade she’ll wander down to Gwyfned and capture a score of unlucky men. She calls them all Phred, no matter what their actual names are, because she confuses them with her long-lost true love, Phred. Ma makes sweet love with the kidnappees, but the men never survive the coupling, and Ma is too old to get pregnant, anyway.
Ma Pharcus.png


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