Madelyn Grayton

  Madeline Grayton—This woman has major holdings in both Eldris and Gwyfned (East Eldton), making her domain multinational, and she holds both in her own name. She was born 1187 and is now 48 years old. In Gwyfned, she is the Countess of East Eldton, Baroness of Braxton, Lord Warden of the South, and one of the Lords Ordainers. In Eldris, she is the Contessa of West Eldton, Baroness of Elton, Marshall of Eldris, and Warden of the Nremurt Silva Forest. She keeps her capital in Eldton City, Eldris. Madelyne’s dearest dream is independence from Gwyfned and Eldris, with her as the queen of a combined Eldton. She has had two husbands, one deceased (Damiann Wortcunning) and one living (Geoffrey Huddle), and between them she has had two daughters (Meagin, and Stephanie) and three sons (Edgart, Dalton, and Herold). Her consorts have shared neither her honors nor titles. Madelyne is a beauty past her youthful prime, but she makes up for it with great poise, grace, and a regal presence. She has penetrating amber eyes, her hair is now more gray than blonde, and she dresses immaculately. She is known to have several magic items, including her Eldton chain of office, and (from her family regalia) the Star of Sagitarry. She has maintained an active alliance with both Vyrek the Vile and Father Wolf, both of whom live in West Eldton.


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