Melena Kamith

Melena is counted among the greatest mages ever, both now and in history. She keeps a low profile, but she is an international power broker, molding history as much as she can. She is a true immortal, having lived continuously for nearly two millennia, although she appears to be in her early twenties. Her nickname is Lady Nightengale, but her current official title is Royal Court Astrologer of Gwyfned.
  Melena has kept her sanity by adopting new goals and roles over the years, acting as if each of her new incarnations were a different person, including an imperial princess born the daughter of Kamith, the man who founded the ancient Karmithian Empire; priestess and avatar of the goddess Etishu in ancient Khemnd; battle chieftainess of the Dark Aogar tribe in the old Kingdom of Dark Aogar, now called Baelric; conniving femme fatale during the reign of Osrick I (as recorded in the ballad Osrick and the Sorceress Queen of Iatona, a small island nation far west of Aorlis; and now Royal Court Astrologer of Gwyfned.   Melena does not advertise her past or immortality, and most people don’t suspect her great age or place in history. She is a villainess or heroine, depending which side you are on. Her archenemy is Magron, her onetime lover and now bitter nemesis. Currently, she is an occult mentor, moderator, and loyal agent of the throne, and occult tutored for Prince Dathan Osrick.   In line with her current fascination with astral magic, Melena compiled The Universal Atlas of Planetary Talismans in the 11th century, and she still maintains and updates it.   Her current close associates are Sir Bhradrix FitzOliver, Galen Trueheart, Kayan Albaugh, and Prince Dathan Osrick.  
She is 5’6” tall, weighs around 105 lbs., and she has raven hair and brown eyes. She is beautiful in the classical, timeless way of a perfect Aarchonian statue, and she projects an idealized image. She may be a coy seductress if it suits her will, or an awe-inducing, terrifying wizard of unparalleled might.   These days Melena presents herself as an adeptus, but she actually has working experience with all branches of magic. Not only does she own a vast collection of magic items, she also actively creates them as needed for herself and her close associates.   Melena lives in Nightengale Tower as the Royal Court Astrologer, Whitefeather Ward, Gwyfned.  

Custom Spells

  • Melena’s Agelessness—A rare and dark spell, which changing the recipient’s true name by one sylable, replacing the mortality syllable for an immortality syllable. She has used this spell only a few times, and never to her satisfaction. This spell is not the source of Melena's own immortality.
  • Melena's Allure—This augments the casters allure to superhuman levels for a short duration, making the recipient almost impossible to ignore or refuse.
  • Melena's Compound Spell: This meta spell allows for two spells to be cast as one, combining their descriptions and effects in imaginative but unpredictable ways. Fiery water is such a mix, or astral windstorms.

    Magic Items

  • Melena’s Mantle: This cloak will foil assassination and backstabbing attacks, willl block any two attacks per day, and it is a cloak of comforting warmth.
  • Melena’s Automaton Ring: This unique ring has a tiny automated face full of tiny clockworks mounted on a bronze ring. It is effectively a bronze head (see description), and it communicates with its wear with telepathy.
  • Melena’s Crystal of Chronicity: This is a cobachon-cut crystal mounted as a ring. It may be used to scry through time and the past, but not the future.
    -520 The Karmithian Age begins with Kamith the Conqueror, a wizard who makes himself the First Emperor of Karmithia. Kamith is born of a Karad-Bal prince and Solidi princess, uniting both cultures into the kingdom of Karmithia.
    -508 Kamith sires the twins Melena and Meloidyn, as well as ten other siblings.
    -0490 Kamith seeks to embody his twelve children as the Planetary Entelechies, but this working fails and half the royal children die. Melena and Meloidyn become immortal.
    -486 Melena is sent to Khemd as a political hostage. She serves as a priestess of Etishu and masters heka and kherbit-lore.
    -410 Melena studies Kabbalah in Uadan. She had to learn surreptitiously because Kabbalah is not open to women.
    3 Melena comes to Aorlis to search for Kendroth’s ancient knowledge.
    11 Melena becomes a tribal battle chieftainess in the old Kingdom of Dark Aogar, now part of what is called Baelric. She helps hold off Karmithian incursions, and the Baelric remain independent from the Karmithian Empire.
    221 Melena chooses Magron as a protege.
    498 Melena founds the Esoteric Illuminates of Symbielle, hereafter referred to as Symbelenes. She intends to collect and preserve the wisdom of the old Karmithian Mystery School. She includes Magron and Yrostes.
    512 Magron and Melena have a falling out, and Magron travels to the Holy Karmithian Empire and Thendaros to study under Arpath, now head of the Silent Convocation.
    954 Emperor Osrick of Aorlis, the so-called Star Child, and Melena fall in love and began an adulterous affair. It ends poorly and Melena is portrayed as the villain in the popular “Ballad of Osrick and the Sorceress.”
    921 Melena attempts to correct her greatest mistake and destroy Magron once and for all.
    955 Melena leaves Aorlis and becomes Queen of Iatona.
    1000 Melena returns to Aorlis and establishes the Planetary Society, a shadow livery guild she forms from the vestiges of Symbelenes.
    1037 Melena writes the Universal Atlas of Planetary Talismans
    1201 Melena becomes the Royal Astrologer of Gwyfned for young Bingum Osrick.
    1222 Melena creates a magic seal for Prince Oliver Osrick
    1220 Melena becomes Prince Dathan Osrick’s secret occult mentor
    1230 Melena unofficially takes Galen Norald as an acolyte.


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