Moranwynn City

City of Glass, City of Leaves

Nicknamed the City of Glass, or the City of Leaves, this remote, landlocked city dates back to remote antiquity. It is in the County of Eofwin, the Palatine Archduchy of Eofwin, in the High Kingdom of Arlium. The city’s identity is tied closely with the Eofwin Forest that surrounds it, and it is built among old growth forest. Moranwynn seamlessly is mixed with parks and nature, and the city accommodates old-growth trees in its midst. Secondary roads connect Moranwynn with Haberre in a northerly direction, Lovale to the Northwest, Dargrange to the East by Southeast, Andwycc in a southerly direction, Trewold to the south by southwest, and Nillston to the north by northwest, all by secondary roads.
The citizenry seems enigmatic, and they are deceptively easygoing and congenial. Local industry includes window glazing employing the crown glass method, exquisite stained glass windows, and extensive falcon breeding. The city is subject to forest law, and it lies within the Eofwin Forest District. Moranwynn’s crest is a white quatrefoil on a field of vert. It is a sleepy city, but rich in magic and mystery, and it feels as if it borders on another world. Their patron saint is Morloss the Malformed.


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