
This abomination is a hybrid phantasmata and demon, though he possesses simulacrum qualities as well. Emperor Wollyn and Vyrek the Vile created him as a sort of royal enforcer. Most thought forms are temporary by design, but they composed Nhyrakar as a fully manifested immortal. They made Nhyrakar to mimic Torenth, Wollyn's father, in form, although Nhyrakar's thought form shape soon began to distort. Once Nhyrakar rebelled, Wollyn attempted to destroy his creation, but without Vyrek's help he could not unmake him, so the emperor banished his errant thought-form to hell. In hell, Nhyrakar learned and adapted, gathering power and influence until he was elevated to demon lord rank.
His new home affected him physically, and he swelled to seven feet tall, sprouted six functional angel wings, and grew fangs. His hide became white, corpse-like, and freezing cold, and his eyes turned red. By passing a hand in front of his face, Nhyrakar may assume the boyish countenance he once wore when he was a new, innocent thought form. Nhyrakar never lost contact with Aarthus, and he maintains an active cult of demonologist adherents there, as well as some key allies and servants (most notably Mhalag). Now, whenever he returns to Aarthus, he pursues the royal family with eternal spite, and he seeks to permanently relocate to the mortal world to take dominion of it.


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