
City of Dance

Called the City of Dance, Orlium was founded as a Karmithian Castra in -540. This navigable river port is built in the Viscount of Lowell, the Palatine Duchy of Hempton, in the Kingdom of Rhonce. The city has burned down several times, so wattle-and-daub buildings with thatch roofs are being replaced by stone structures. Laws that govern keeping the streets clean are strict, but civic pride is high. Orlium is connected to Lenxos in the East by Osling Street, Mydia in the West by Osling Street, and Valags in the West by Northwest by Osling and Old Street. It is also connected with Arlford to the Northeast by the Arl River, and Eumot to the South by Southwest by the Arl River.
The city’s culture, tradition, and festivals all center on the river. There is a competitive athletic undercurrent here, with a love of dance and wrestling. Orlium is involved heavily in silver and lead mining, and in the production of canfre/smokeweed products. Orlium’s crest is a sea dog, gules, on a field of or and azure. This settlement is clean, organized, and well maintained. The locals have developed an unique wrestling martial art and tradition, and they hold weekly training and yearly events. There is also a vigorous dancing tradition similar to Morris dancing, and they celebrate this with every festival. Orlium’s patron saint is Kaelinthi the Questioner.
Orlium Crest by Scott A. Story


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