Orlois Dynasty Yrac

The Raven Lord, Father Raven

The Yracs have a poor reputation outside Orlois, and most consider them venal and self-serving. The head of House Yrac inherits the sobriquets the Raven Lord and Father Raven, and in the greater high kingdom to which Orlois belongs, he is the Grand Huntsman of Marcelle. In Orlois he is the Prince of Orlois, the Earl of Knarris, and the Baron of Helmdjarr.   This family is made of large men, being tall and heavy. Sometimes that falls into extremes, with the current prince being 8’7” tall and super obese. Because of this he walks, when he must, with two canes. The known exception is the heir he despises, Erik the Dwarf, who stands 4’2” tall. Father and son have waged a family war on each other since Erik’s birth.   The Yracs keep their capital in Helmdjarr, and they also own two hunting lodges in Sothal and a grand mead hall in Ashenby. This family pays homage to the High King of Marcelle, their badge is the war horn and raven, their color is Sanguine, their motto is “By Storm and Thunder,” and their morganatic name is Slaus.   Yracs trace their lineage all the way back to the Hanged God, called the Great Concealer. They also result from more magikal crossbreeding than any Aorlisian dynasty, with rissi, Faerie, and ogre mixed into their lineage. The Yrac’s parent house is Edmorr, their landed cadet houses are Oardley of Oddman and Sothal of Sothal, and their unlanded cadet houses are Eckfrid, Fergal, and Sibald.  


  • Circlet of Fate—Owners always die in glorious combat
  • Horn of Yrac
  • Rings of War
  • Sword of Yrac Chest Carver
  • Torc of Courage


  • Despite gender associations with Seidre, or Jotun magik, this family has invented a catalog of runes and staves. Indeed, the suite of spells called “Eyes of the Raven” allows them scry, and well as peer into other planes of existence.


  • Ancestry—Faerie
  • Ancestry—Ogre
  • Ancestry—Rissi
  • Authority Figure
  • Bond—Nature (Sea)
  • Extended Reach
  • Heroic Ancestor—Hanged God
  • Regal Presence
  • Roots—Pagan
  • Social Privilege
  • Surge of Strength
  • Disadvantages

  • Angry
  • Dark Moods
  • Family Strife
  • Giantism
  • Gout
  • Heavy Sleeper
  • Judgmental
  • Philanderer
  • Reaver’s Heart
  • Super Obese

    Skill Pool

  • Boating/Shipping
  • Navigating
  • Orloisian Glima
  • Piloting
  • Predicting Weather
  • Singing—Kulning
  • Twin-Spear Cast
  • War Cry
  • Warfare—Maritime
  • Lineage

    • Yrac I 1090-1104 m. Heldegard (Rissi)
    • Arne I 1104-1120 m Inga (Faerie)
    • Frode I 1120-1158 m. Gurta (Half Ogre)
    • Erik I 1158-1159
    • Birger I 1159-1170
    • Garl I 1170-1210
    • Garl II 1210-Current

    Immediate Family

  • Garl Yrac Prince of Orlois, Huntsman of Marcelle
  • Consort—Enid of Argolin
  • Heir—Erik the Dwarf
  • Unofficial Mistress I—Sigrid
  • Son—Erik Garlsune
  • Son—Gorm Garlsune
  • Son—Age Garlsune
  • Son—Sven Garlsune
  • Son—Halfdin Garlsune
  • Son—Sten Garlsune
  • Unofficial Mistress II—Tove
  • Son—Ulf Garlsune
  • Son—Lief Garlsune
  • Son—Gorm the Other Garlsune
  • Son—Roar Garlsune
  • Son—Knut Garlsune
  • Son—Frode Garlsune
  • Son—Erik the Extra Garlsune
  • Unofficial Mistress III—Ursaline
  • Son—Arne Garlsune
  • Son—Ruden Garlsune
  • Son—Sven Garlsune
  • Son—Birger Garlsune
  • Son—Trygve Garlsune
  • Son—Tarstin Garlsune
  • Son—Bjorn Garlsune
  • Unofficial Mistress IV—Frida
  • Son—Rune Garlsune
  • Son—Ulf the Little Garlsune
  • Son—Harald Garlsune
  • Son—Trygve the Little Garlsune


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