
Reaver’s Reach

Orlois' Worldview

  • Historians claim the Jotuns of old were destroyers, a ravening scourge to the civilized world. The historians sadly are misinformed. It was Jotuns who tore down the old world and built the modern age with all its wonders.
  • Our detractors write about ocean-born reavers, of berserkers who feel no pain, of the Hidden God of our grandfathers and the mysterious power of runes. Those things are outliers, and historians are grasping at history’s low-hanging fruit.
  • Jotun ships were technological wonders that could sail the Known World via ocean, sea, river, and creek. With these vessels, we established the trade routes that crisscross the planet and interconnect Kainded’s vast expanses.
  • Most Aorlisians treat their women as property. Not us. In Orlois, we have shield maidens, fighting women who can vote alongside the men in the Allthing. We have the Volva who command magic (seidr) and advise our leaders. Our women are not servants, but warrior, witches, and healers than can hold their own with any men.
  • Now, living in the little tract of Aorlis that we have claimed as ours, we Orloisians still burn with the energy to bring a new, more connected future to Aarthus.
    Orlois, sometimes called Reaver’s Reach, is a small state, and it is the northernmost country in the Marcelle. Orlois is pronounced Oar-loys, its adjective is Orloisian and its demonym is Orloisian. Originally a Jotun satellite state, with a heterogeneous Jotun-derived people, it is now nominally Aorlisian in culture. As Jotun descendants, they are tall, large framed, and known for their physical strength. 
    There is a near-Pagan undercurrent to their brand of the Faith. These people are born-to-the-sea, full of wanderlust, are enthusiastic drinkers, have fastidious grooming habits, and are natural adventurers. Orlois is known for exporting amber, ambergris, ivory, ships, and other bounties of the ocean. Their patron saints are Ivar Iron Heart and Svein Halfjnarl the Hard.
    Orlois Noble.png
    Orlois Woman.png
    Orlois Warrior.png
    orlois berserker.png
    orloisian shield maiden.png

    Natural Resources

  • Amber
  • Ambergris
  • Flowers (Tulips)
  • Saltwater Fishing
  • Seal Skins
  • Timber
  • Walrus Ivory
  • Whale Oil
  • Whalebone
  • Specialists Goods

  • Orloisian Lamellar Armor
  • Orloisian Magik Mushrooms
  • Ship/Boat
  • Specialists

  • Orloisian Berserker
  • Orloisian Shield Maiden
  • Orloisian Tattooist
  • Volva
  • Bestiary

  • Alpha Troll
  • Borl Men
  • Fossergrim
  • Ogre
  • Piasts
  • Sea Wyverns
  • Thursar
  • Troll
  • Type
    Geopolitical, Country

    Character flag image: by Scott A. Story


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