Other Characters

Abragore—He was the royal court sorcerer, as well as friend and advisore, of Osrick I, and the author of that king’s biography. He died in 990, and he was an adeptus. Abrogore later founded the Museum of Abragore high on the slopes of Mt. Lissoine, above Gwyfned City. He is now an intelligent ghost, haunting his forgotten museum.   Aubelet Chapman—Warden in the Planetary Society Livery Company, at Wollyn’s Observatory, Hollywell Ward, Gwyfned   Avriel Wilde—Avriel is the only woman to hold a chair at the University of Gwyfned. As a seniour occult archivist, she wrote Avriel’s Librum on Sacred Geometry and Numerology. Many consider her a prodigy.   Berarde Gary—Mercer of the University Occult Supply at the University of Gwyfned in St. Grinsales, Gwyfned. Alchemist.   Beverly Swift—Warden of the Astromancers Livery Company, at Wollyn’s Observatory, Hollywell Ward, Gwyfned   Eugene Bellemore—Called the Fair or the Boundless, he is an adeptus and doctor of Philosophy at the College of Saint Blailock, University of Gwyfned at St. Grinsales, where he lectures in metaphysics as serves as a dean emeritus. Born in 1145, making him about 90, but he has extended his vitality through magic means and looks closer to 40. He is 5’6” tall.
Lucious Brockbank—He is the royal physician of Gwyfned, a Doctor of Medicine from University of Ygarl, and he commands humoral magic.   Oswald LeDurne—Sometimes called Oswald the Addled, he is the king’s imperial court alchemist. He has spent enough time researching gonnepowder that he’s almost deaf, and fumes he’s been exposed to make him seem unfocused. His alchemical mind is still quite keen. Now he is hairless, with singed skin, but his curiosity is unchecked. He wears a skull cap. He is known for his custom spell, Oswald’s Mercurial Armor, which destroys metal armor by transforming it into mercury. The ruined armor drains away from the victim and pools on the floor.   Randolph deGayle—Called the Pale Mage, he is the Chancellor of Gwyfned University at St. Grinsales, Gwyfned. He is 5’5” and 150 lbs., with dark brunette hair turned grizzled and dark eyes. He is half Emirkandian, and he was a ship’s captain in his first career.   Turston Ferriter—Occult Archivist of Hollywell House, Hollywell Ward, Gwyfned.   Warden Noll—He is the warden of Gwyfnedi armorers’ guild, and master of the Gwyfnedi Maille Monopoly and Workshop in San Louise, Gwyfned. He is a maille mage, specialized in magic armor.   Watt Cullip—He is and adeptus and the auctioneer at Cullip Auction House (For Magical and Rare Items) in St. Hughes, Gwyfned.
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